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  1. D

    Growth Question

    Still ready to get started on my first grow been doing alot of reading before I jump into it and I have this curious question. I would like to no an estimate of how many ounces one plant could yield if it turns out its a female. Im going with a 5 plant bubbleponics setup with a 400w HPS and and...
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    Soil growing?

    Hello... Im new to growing and very interested in hydroponics however I ccant afford the nice setup I really want to go for. Can I still get good results and good potent weed by using soil as long as I still have nice lighting fixtures?
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    Go For CFL Grow Or wait?

    Hey guys Ive been considering and doing alot of research about groing hydro Ive decided Im going with a 5 plant bubbleponics system its really cool. I wanted to have a really nice setup with reflectors and a 400w high pressure sodium light but thats a bit to much for my budget right now. Do you...
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    Ok so where is somewhere I can get a deal on a good priced yet efficient high pressure sodium grow light. Also, is that the only lighting that I will need? What lighting do I need and when? (Like in times like veggying and budding)?
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    Help check out idea for setup

    Thanks alot bro! I guess Im on my way to building one...
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    Would a 150 watt sodium light grow some good dro? Ive new to this hydroponics and trying to get started and was just wondering. Any advice would be appreciated...
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    Opinion on Setup

    Hey guys! Interested in getting a hydro sytem started and I have been studying alot. I no you get what you pay for but I was wondering what you guys think about this setup off of ebay everythings included its inexpensive and I no its good to have a quality light. But do you think I should just...
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    Help check out idea for setup

    Hey guys! Interested in getting a hydro sytem started and I have been studying alot. I no you get what you pay for but I was wondering what you guys think about this setup off of ebay everythings included its inexpensive and I no its good to have a quality light. But do you think I should just...
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    Organics question

    Never grown a plant. Interested in hydroponics setup soon now Im just learninig all I can... and I have a question. Whats the true difference in growing organics or growing regular hydroponics with chemicals.
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    Thanks so much bro, as soon as I get the money I will be on point trust me.... just a matter of time.... youll hrear from me soon.... Im just vaping and reading away... shits so interesting!
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    Well yea I love to be high but its all just gonna be a new and learning experience. Nothing worth worrying about if I get a whole bunch a weed great if not its no biggie and now I see what your saying so I prolly should use soil. Could I get good dense high crystallized weed with soil? I guess...
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    Hey how many grams does one good plant generally yield?

    Hey how many grams does one good plant generally yield?
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    nothing major bro... 4-6 plants at most hydro... any help would be great and wat exactly is cfls or hps?
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    What exactly is cloning and why does it matter? And what would you reccommend tellin the people I need help from in the hydro shop I need help with and trust me bro Im learning as much as possible now so I will be prepared Im going to be researching for atleast 2-3 more months while Im saving...
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    So what kind of lighting is best for which? Are you supposed to use different lights for each?
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    Thanks bro! But thats why Im waying my options... I dont no if that would reallly be best it would be cheapest though. It just here in town theres a pretty sweet hydroponics shop and they build them custom there for a pretty decent price. Ill have to see which way Ill come out best because I...
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    Aerogarden Start Experienced People Please Help.

    Thanks for the info bro but I have a delux aerogarden I purchased off ebay but Im not going to use it I like the concept of an ebb and flow much better so thats what Im going to use. And you got into great detail about the water. Is it ok if I just use spring water I heard it didnt make a...
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    Ok now that Im being real and learning so muc I realize this can be costly but very very effective. I will continue to research while saving my money. But let me ask you how much do I have to spend on a light? And is it that great a deal?
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    Need Help with small hydroponics setup!!

    how much did you spend on that set up and what kind of grow light do you have? can you guys also check out this link and tell me what you think...