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  1. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    It depends on the cut as to how I'll cook it. This was a 12 month aged sirloin and was quite large so it's medium for more flavour with just a finger of pink through the middle.
  2. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    2 Dog Kush S1's 3 reg Anesthesia (Breeder's Choice) 2 Exodus Cheese Yeah they're a picture of health if the shot is a little out of focus, they had a spot of shit PH early on though. Canna Pro+ buffered properly my arse, Ikon coco potz are the benchmark.
  3. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The toddler's..... Dinner..... Purple spuds go well with a good chunk of red meat, plenty of flavour. ;)
  4. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Actually coco has trichoderma. Again, apart from simple sugars and a B vit or 2 there isn't really anything in molasses that the plant isn't getting from it's regular nutrient regime. Direct abosrption of simple sugars into the plant to...
  5. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!
  6. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Links are customary.
  7. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    OK, I take the point that used sugars could be replaced directly. How is this relevant to the fact that those sugars are used to feed fungi and not the plant? Then there's using molasses in a non true organic environment rendering the whole process pointless (hydroponics).
  8. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    And your point is?
  9. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    The bacteria attaches to the plants roots creating a sort of partnership, the benefit to the plant from the bacteria is that it can uptake minerals more efficiently, the bacteria feeds on sugars, these sugars are taken from the plant. Feed the bacteria sugar directly and the process is more...
  10. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yes and I gave the link.
  11. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Just so we all understand...... "A mycorrhiza (Gk. μυκός, mykós, "fungus" and ριζα, riza, "roots", pl. mycorrhizae or mycorrhizas) is a symbiotic (generally mutualistic, but occasionally weakly pathogenic)...
  12. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

  13. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Molasses helps to feed the bacteria in true organics, it's not for feeding the plant.
  14. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I don't do Xmas, I'm an Atheist without any children.
  15. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Bertie's got hold of another loft space, loads bigger than the one I've got. This space is high up on one side of the valley, between Clayton and Queensbury (Queensbury is the highest village in England). Loads of natural airflow up there and it gets damn cold at night through winter, perfect...
  16. Bertie Bassett


    Mainlining is SCROG without a net but takes longer per grow because you're only ever using the new growth, it is a pretty looking gimmick though I'll give it that.
  17. Bertie Bassett

    My 35 day old mid-grade plants- any suggestion

    Wow, I didn't think a negative rep score was possible!? (red).
  18. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Am I missing something?
  19. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Actually this is bullshit, I could PM Turbanator on Wednesday (we had a conversation) with less posts and rep than Rambo?
  20. Bertie Bassett

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Rep Rambo.