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  1. bongdan

    Leaves curling down, help needed!

    Thanks for replies man. The light is cool, very little heat even if the leaves touches the bulb light. Is it CFL.
  2. bongdan

    Leaves curling down, help needed!

    Hey guys I have some problem with my leaves. Hydro bubbler EC 0.9, PH 5.5-5.9 Powder feeding nutes Can anyone please helpe me ? Is calcium missing ? What should I do ? My journal : Thanks
  3. bongdan

    My first DWC bubbler, Amnezia Haze, Powder feeding

    some problems with leaves, trying to figure it out. EC 0.9 PH 5.3-5.8
  4. bongdan

    My first DWC bubbler, Amnezia Haze, Powder feeding

    end of 3rd week. EC tap water 0.4, after added PowderFeeding EC 0.9 PH 5.3-5.8
  5. bongdan

    My first DWC bubbler, Amnezia Haze, Powder feeding

    3rd week Moved second plant in home made bubbler bucket 15 liters. Neptune bucket roots growing nice but brown stuff on roots few hours after adding Gold Label nutrients. Changed water and nutrients to avoid problems. Added Powder Feeding from Greenhouse half of the spoon. EC tap water 0.4...
  6. bongdan

    My first DWC bubbler, Amnezia Haze, Powder feeding

    2nd week moved 1 plant in 1 Neptune bubbler bucket 25 liters Gold Label Hydro 1 ml/l nutrients added to water to match EC 1.0 (gold label instructions) (tap water EC 0.4) PH 5.5-6.0
  7. bongdan

    My first DWC bubbler, Amnezia Haze, Powder feeding

    First week Seeds : 2 amnezia haze from greenhouse ALL-MIX Biobizz coco mix 1 80watts CFL
  8. bongdan

    DWC info help.

    thanks for replies, I'm gonna start a journal.
  9. bongdan

    DWC info help.

    Thanks for reply Terry, 1/4 seems too low no ? I understand that is safe but I want to give enough food to the plant. Just trying to figure our how these ratios works. If the producer says I can go 1.0 EC, I want to understand how can I go to 1.0 EC in a safe way without problems. I want full...
  10. bongdan

    DWC info help.

    Hello guys. I have a Neptune bubbler bucket and this is my first hydroponic or aeroponic setup. I have the Gold Label hydro nutrients kit. (hydro a, hydro b, roots, ultra mg, ultra pk, enzymes) with a 100 watts cfl for 1 plant. I want to ask, my tap water has 0.4 EC and in my growing schedule...
  11. bongdan

    Black Small Dots on Leaves ?

    Hey, I noticed some small black dots on the leaves. Anyone knows what are them ? Please help. Thanks
  12. bongdan

    Flowering Week 6 Leaves not Looking Normal Rolling Up and Down

    Temp during light is about 25-27 degrees at the bottom of the plants(there I placed the thermometer) and about 20 degrees when light is off. The light is tube air cooled. The heat issue is strange because I have another small plant near the big one and is the same height but she don't look to...
  13. bongdan

    Flowering Week 6 Leaves not Looking Normal Rolling Up and Down

    This is my first post. Hello everybody. I think I have a problem with my plant, she is about 6-7 week of flowering and her name is Pammy ;-). I use fert. Canna Coco A and B same quantity from beggining, the plant grew great until now... The small leaves from top and also some bigger are not...