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  1. alaskind

    Ripping it Hardcore, like Defoliation Porn?

    Contrary to popular noob myth, plants gather energy in their leaves, and generally put it into their fruit, seeds ect.... this is not a guess, its fact. The Buds you intend to expose to light, do not photosynthesize nearly as much as a large"fan, sucker,or shade" leaf.... Plants generally are...
  2. alaskind

    Club 600

    man, sorry to hear, hardly anything worse than crappy neighbors...
  3. alaskind

    Club 600

    some old shots
  4. alaskind

    Club 600

    thanks, Im kinda lookin for a new forum home, this place is nice N large...
  5. alaskind

    Club 600

    good call, oldman60, they started drooping down from weight bout 3 days ago :D
  6. alaskind

    Club 600

    Noob here, tryin to find a place to post up some indoor shots chase me off if I did it wrong again.... Kimbo @ 7 weeks 12/12
  7. alaskind

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    well, since I came on the forum with some misplaced indoor, here is some outdoor grown to try to redeem myself... smh
  8. alaskind

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    sorry... noob here, doin noob stuff... yeah!
  9. alaskind

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    good soon come, Kimbo @ 7 weeks 12/12
  10. alaskind

    Recommend me a good seed bank a...
  11. alaskind

    bigworm69 super qrazy and super purple

    thanx man, I cant stay outa the room when the lights are burnin :D
  12. alaskind

    bigworm69 super qrazy and super purple

    Just straight Kimbo, doin my pheno hunt
  13. alaskind

    Art Bell fan club.

    I used to operate snow cats at night for ski areas. Art was a constant companion during those stormy nights. I havent enjoyed working as much since then. Was about 7-8 of us that would crowd into one cat for a "safety meeting" together often.Ill never forget Mels Hole.... man
  14. alaskind

    Hyroot's Garden

    Kimbo is Fire!
  15. alaskind

    bigworm69 super qrazy and super purple

    few shots... hope its cool to post em here
  16. alaskind

    Are these swollen calyxes or seed pods

    Shes seeded n doubt. looks like plenty too.
  17. alaskind

    Natures Green Remedies 2.0

    Thanks Oddjob, I cant wait to dial it in a bit more next go, looks like Kimbos gonna be a yielder for me. Pretty nice to have a dark, potent heavyweight.
  18. alaskind

    Natures Green Remedies 2.0

    Soon to be cropping my pheno hunt of Kimbo,thanks a million NGR these are @ week 7
  19. alaskind

    bigworm69 super qrazy and super purple

    Heya bigworm, lookin fine! I finally found my way here :) My Kimbos are about 1-2 weeks out from the cut, cant wait for the fire!