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    7 weeks flowering - 2 strains?

    seeds came from WEEDSEEDSHOP.COM. It was INDDOR FEMINISED MIX. Thanks Adam
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    7 weeks flowering - 2 strains?

    hi, It's been 7 weeks since I switched to 12/12. I have 2 fems - they look like 2 different strains to me - What you think? And this is where the problem shows up - I think they have different maturing times. I am planning to use RIPEN from GHE to try to line up harvesting in time but when to...
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    my setup - final update

    I am in the middle of flowering of my first grow. I started with a larmp and a growbox more than 2 months ago. Since then I had to upgrade different areas of he system - venting, light, etc... As for now I am running System: GHE Aerofarm: 2 out of 5 slots occupied 2 airstones + air pumps...
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    Anyone try Mt. Cook from kiwi seeds?

    hi guys! I am just finishing my first gorw ever now. It is some feminized indoor mix from sensiseeds. During my last visit to Amsterdam I did purchased some MT COOK feminized ( I only got 5 seeds). As I am growing in AEROFARM (I only have 5 slots) and I have found out that 5 big plants is far...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    Hi guys! First of all I would like to say a big thanks to all the growers here - You all have helped me a lot ! I think I am getting to an end of my grow - I would say I need another 3-4 weeks... I was using nutes from GHE - Flora Series, and their organic addiditives. I have also...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    I am 30 days in flowering now. Last week I noticed that lower parts of my plants are yellow-whitish because of lackof light. I decided to prune the middle fan leave to allow more light through. I cut a lot of the main fan leaves from the middle part of the plant, got rid of several lower...
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    Out of space - help please!!!

    hi guys! I ve been month into flowering now. My growbox is 1,6m high (5,25 ft) Currently I have 2 plants under 250W HPS but Barbara (one on the right) is reaching my tent's height limit! I have moved all the tent's equipment to the top but still can't get more space... Should I bend my cola...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    ok, it's been almost 2 weeks from last pics... Let me know what you think - I burned them again ;-( They don't seem to accept any nutes level where EC exceeds 0,8 I start to burn them immediately. I have also changed my nutes dosage - switched to full flower nutes now. no more talking - just...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    It's done ;-) My apartment stinks like hell. I have given some to a friend. I can't try it before next weekend ;-( How long can it be stored in a fridge? Should I freeze it? Any ideas or good recipes to use it for? Hope someone reads this thread and replies ;-) Thanks Adam
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    ok... I have to calm down. I am getting too excited ;-) Yesterday I have found out that I had 2 fems. I wasnt sure about the other 2 but I didn't want to take any additional risk. I was reading a lot about sexing in past few days and I have found a very nice idea on what to do with male...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    I have found hair on second plant! Both of identified females were grown from feminised seeds. That means a success rate from fem seeds is 100% The other two plants grew from old regular original skunk seeds - I think both of them are males... I just need a confirmation of that - are this round...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    hi Orzz, Thanks for reading my thread. I think that one 1 of 4 is a female for sure. I can see hair on the first pic. The other 3 have some small rounds - I am not sure If i took correct pics. It was a pain in the ass to take pictures with magnifying glass but I hope you can see smth. Adam
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    help please :(

    hmm. I am doing my first grow now, but very similar to yours... You can see my grow somewhere in this forum... I am not close to giving you advices but my system is running: 1. SPRAYERS: My sprayers are running 15on/45off, but lower parts of my roots are contantly in water. It helped several...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    As promised... They're in 5th day of 12/12 light cycle now.... By the end of this week I am going to switch to bloom nutes... As you can see it is very crowdy there now. I think, that Aerofarm is suitable for growing maximum 4 plants - you can't use its 5th slot unless you decide to grow very...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    hi Morris, Thanks for useful tips ;-) I have discovered and experienced much more until now: 1. It is impossible to go from EC-0,8 to EC=1,6 in 10 days. I just raised to EC=1,1 after 3 days and burned them again... ;-( I had to flush them and started feeding them with nutes again. What seems...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    ...continued from previous post... (sorry about that) 4. monitor EC and bring it to 1,6-1,8 in 10 days from now... Let me know what you think. Advices appreciated! Adam
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    It seems, that 2 of my plants are less resistant than 2 others... What is strange is that 2 oldest plants (10days older then others) are the less resistant ones! When I am talking about resistance I mean pH fluctuation and nutes - how much harm overdosing nutes or running out of desired pH range...
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    oh, and be sure to get at least 400 MW lamp for that system. 250 which I have is definitely not enought.... ;-(
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    I believe I have seen one in hydro shop in Amsterdam. I know for sure that they do ship to UK. try calling them: If they don;t have it on stock let me know - I'll check at my hydro shop for you. Adam
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    My very first grow - AeroFarm

    another week passed... I have just received my nutrition meter - it was said to be very accurate and was highly recommended. It has an option to set alarm when the nutes level moves by 0,5 (either way) it flashes red light. I havent had time to experiment yet - I want to check if my root...