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  1. Maufukinbitz

    Germinating problems!

    When I do it I just put them in a wet paper towel place it in a ziplock bag and store it away in a dark place for about 3-4 days after those 4 days they should have germinated if u let them sit for 4+ days the root will grow long as hell it's actually pretty cool
  2. Maufukinbitz

    Any tips?

    First time grower here how is my setup any tips? A
  3. Maufukinbitz

    A few questions please

    What if I set up 4 lights instead of 2?
  4. Maufukinbitz

    A few questions please

    I am a first time grower, I tried to plant my germinated seeds and grow them out of the 4 I did only one came out good. After transplanting my 2week old plant from a plastic cup to a deep clay pot, I now have a new set up. 2 60 wat light bulbs + a fan going 18/6 but it's starting to get sunny...
  5. Maufukinbitz

    Question about using a fan

    How long and how often should I use the fan on them? They seem to like the fan blowing on them they are about 10 days old
  6. Maufukinbitz

    Lighting for newborn

    How long and how often should I use the fan on them? They seem to like the fan blowing on them
  7. Maufukinbitz

    Lighting for newborn

    Thanks guys going to get a new setup with a fan and better lights
  8. Maufukinbitz

    Lighting for newborn

    Here it is
  9. Maufukinbitz

    Lighting for newborn

    I started out at 18/6 but the last 3 days I been running it at 24/0 I am using 3 fluorescent lights 60v I believe
  10. Maufukinbitz

    How am I doing (part 2 )

    Hi first time grower here just added a 3rd light to my setup let me know what u guys think it's been 9 days now all I feed them is bottle water lights been going 24/0 anybody got any tips for me?
  11. Maufukinbitz

    how am I doing?

    Hi I am a first time grower, I planted 3 seeds after they germinated but instead of dropping time in a hole and burying them I just placed the roots facing down with the seed exposed on top. I proceed to water them and run the double lights from my fish tank for the first 4 days 18/6, I was...