Search results

  1. tenthirty

    What kind of worm is this?

    Nope, I think that he was too small. Probably a reject.
  2. tenthirty

    What kind of worm is this?

    Nothing quite like it in the pest section. I googled worm and worm with black head, no luck.
  3. tenthirty

    What kind of worm is this?

    I found 2 of these in my rez. wonder where they came from and if they will be munch'in on the babies.
  4. tenthirty

    What kind of worm is this?

    I found this in my RDWC rez. Any body know what it is? Thanks
  5. tenthirty

    The Big $6,500.00 Adventure UnderCurrent 8XL13 under 7000w

    I've got some of that expensive bud as well. As far as the roots go. Al.B.Fuct says that 500ppm of h2o2 is the trick. That comes out to .05% In RDWC AKA Heath Robinson flooded tube and AK47, I would say that is a tad hot. h2o2 at about 200 ppm and HF at 2 mil/gal seems to be working much...
  6. tenthirty

    What is the best bloom booster to use while running H202?

    You want to use a PK booster that has no organics in it. I don't know what the selections are. Can someone chime in and give a list? Thanks
  7. tenthirty

    Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends

  8. tenthirty

    4 weeks into my first grow?

    Ionic or Dyna-Grow 1 part. easy peasy!
  9. tenthirty

    Hydrogen Peroxide Dwc

    Woodsmaneh, Rez temp is a steady 67, I think that I can get down to maybe 63 64 f with my current setup. You're saying I should lower it even further? Nice air stone!! It is now next on the list, I'll probably order that bad boy tomorrow. I wish I could rent or borrow a DO meter. They are not...
  10. tenthirty

    There has to be an easier way!!!!! Right???

    I'll see if I can explain this. Google is your friend when reading this. Adding nutes is a problem in DWC. This is because (speaking from experience) Do not add nutes ph up or down or anything if you con help it with the plants in the system. "The plants do not like rapid swings of PH or...
  11. tenthirty

    slight yellowing in leaves?

    A shameless quote form Heath the master!!
  12. tenthirty

    Clonning in DWC (damaged roots)

    For me, DWC has been a nightmare so far with root problems. Good catch, now that you know the spots are there. Do they heal or does it get worse? You can go all the way through flower in DWC, but as a cloner, I have heard of people going up to a month.
  13. tenthirty

    Hydrogen Peroxide Dwc

    Woodsmaneh, My first run in the system was with zone, per the directions on the bottle. The first run was the best of the 2 completed runs. With zone the root rot came on and I was too new to DWC and it took me a couple of weeks to figure out the 1 2 punch with physan 20 and EWC. So at about...
  14. tenthirty

    Hydrogen Peroxide Dwc

    Heisenberg, So we're at 14 days of flower and as of now there is an amazing difference. Bright shiny roots and plants that went from 8" or less to 16" or more in 2 weeks. I even broke out the jewelers loop and did a spot check of roots. There is almost no sign of root disease. Out of 10+...
  15. tenthirty

    The Big $6,500.00 Adventure UnderCurrent 8XL13 under 7000w

    Plants look good. Thanks for the pics of the roots. I can't really tell from the pics, but it looks like there is a touch of some kind of root problem. Some white and some turning brown. I think that I see a little slime as well. I have been seeing the same leaf problems as well as having...
  16. tenthirty

    The Big $6,500.00 Adventure UnderCurrent 8XL13 under 7000w

    I'd sure like to see the roots on the plants with the yellowing leaves.
  17. tenthirty

    Hydro growers, where do you keep your moms?

    Witch do you want to maintain? You're already maintaining an ebb and flow table, seems to me that would be less work. I keep my moms in a waterfarm 8 pack, almost no maintainance.
  18. tenthirty

    Hydrogen Peroxide Dwc

    Yup, so the question is............what is the resolution to this problem with 4" flooded tubes arranged in a octagon. This is what I copied. needless to say, I have yet to achieve the results that Heath did.
  19. tenthirty

    Hydrogen Peroxide Dwc

    Thanks Heisenberg that is what I was looking for. I am running a Heath Robinson flooded tube octagon on the third round now. First round......root rot, maybe slime. It took me until almost the end to find you and richyrich and the whole thing on slime. I think I over did the tea on this one...
  20. tenthirty

    Hydrogen Peroxide Dwc

    Heisenberg, Why do you say that H2O2 should be used for a temporary patch? Al.B.Fuct says he uses it constantly at 4 mils/gal of 50% every 3 days in his ebb and flow tables. Thanks in advance.