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  1. ghettobeto

    80$ dollars worth?

    my typing is that bad?
  2. ghettobeto

    80$ dollars worth?

    Is this 80$ dollars worth good of weed dudes?
  3. ghettobeto

    Hello All

    totally will try to
  4. ghettobeto

    Hello All

    so i got this question and i need to know from you guys and see if this is a good idea or bad or what? Well see i dont have a job but im barely growing so i have to wait 3 months for my plant to grow. So would it be better if i stayed dope off for 3 months and try and find a job plus after the...
  5. ghettobeto

    Plant smell while little

    Hi i barely got my first plant growing and its coming out well, thing is i dont know if when its little it should smell, its not a strong odor just wondering this, when i get like 3 inches near it is smells and when i touch the plant and smell my fingers it smells wierd. Is it suppose to smell...
  6. ghettobeto

    Hello new and would like help from some proffesionals

    this is my little green trooper.
  7. ghettobeto

    Hello new and would like help from some proffesionals

    i got a picture up so look at it and tell me if i should do anything to make it better
  8. ghettobeto

    Hello new and would like help from some proffesionals

    i got this plant growing, ill put the picture up later but its growing outside, its getting cold so im going to bring it inside, its still little but i would like some heads up from people who know what there doing. thanks:-P