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  1. L

    Guerilla Grow Scotland

    Anybody else got some useful input? :)
  2. L

    Guerilla Grow Scotland

    You again :) 1. I can defiantly get away with it (or so I hope), I live in a rural area with the closest village being 3 miles away, the area is on private land... it's on one side of a river where there's no footpath, and the only way to get across is through a farmyard. In the time I've been...
  3. L

    Guerilla Grow Scotland

    I've been tinkering with the idea of a small stealth grow inside my house which has a volume of around 3.3 cubic feet (the box not the house :-P). After some research I found that my yields would be very low and now I'm considering a guerilla grow in Scotland. For those who don't know...
  4. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    Hmm, ok. I have a couple of spare 12v chargers too, so if it does decide to break then I can always replace.
  5. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    I haven't seen this mentioned and just want to double check before I start buying... If I was going to buy CFL's (not strip lights), would it matter if they were facing vertical or horizontally?
  6. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    Ok, do you think I would be fine with two fans at 380? Or does it need to be really close to half of the capacity?
  7. L

    What Strain Has Highest Yield

    Hmm, saw it before but wasn't sure what it was called. I guess if it's branchy, there can be a bud growing in each hole ^^, how long until the price comes down do you think? Also, any seeds from attitude which you would recommend? They seem to be more trusted (no offence to Dr G)
  8. L

    What equipment do I need? First time. Here's a quick mockup to show my design idea. Obviously there's a top and front. The two black spots are fans, one is an intake, the other is an exhaust.
  9. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    Apparently so, they said that it puts most of it's weight on between the 40-50 day span. Something wrong with this?
  10. L

    What Strain Has Highest Yield

    Interesting... may have to get another look at that. Defiantly going to consider, but my grow space is pretty small so I don't know if I will be able to get away with it.
  11. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    I see what you mean, the growbox is just a set of old bedside draws like this ... I don't really have any other option... I would LOVE to...
  12. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    Ok, what would I need to install these, as I'm guessing the standard light bulb fixture won't be able to hold it.
  13. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    Scrapping the idea of a PC power supply, have a 12v DC charger which is rated at 500mA... one problem though, three fans add up to 540mA, would this still be ok to use with this?
  14. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    Hmm, I thought CFL's stood for Compact florescent lighting? How would that be different to a "fluoro"? When you said something a bit taller, did you mean the grow box or the plant?
  15. L

    What equipment do I need? First time.

    STEALTH BUILD I've got a 40cmx40cm wide and 60cm high box which I will be using for my grow. Here's the basics on my list of things to buy - Seed(s) - 3 socket power strip - 3 light bulb to socket adaptors - 3 CFL bulbs - 1 pc power supply - intake fan - exhaust fan - Mylar...
  16. L

    What Strain Has Highest Yield

    Looking at it now, looks good. Know how many I could fit into my growspace? I'm in the UK, do you think this would go through customs? $200 seems a little high considering this is going to be my first grow... maybe leave it until I'm a bit more confident, don't want to be throwing money away.
  17. L

    What Strain Has Highest Yield

    I'm making a stealth grow which is 40x40 wide and 60cm height (not including lights, pots etc). I would love to have a larger space but sadly I don't. I will probably be topping and using LST to make the most of my space. Does anybody have any idea what would produce a good amount of quality bud?
  18. L

    Indoor stealth growing project?

    Hello forum users, So here's my first post on these forums. I'm going to be creating my first grow project which I will hopefully be documenting and putting on this forum for advice for myself and for others who are interested in doing something similar. Now, although I know what my intentions...