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  1. SenorSanteria

    pH keeps climbing in tap water

    What do you mean you cant use your pH meter in distilled water? I thought distilled water was commonly used for pH meters to calibrate them because it has a pH of 7.0?
  2. SenorSanteria

    No matter how big the branch is you can still make it a clone right?

    I mean, a super small branch is obviously going to be more difficult to clone, but given that it has enough leaf to support itself, then yes, it does not matter how much stem is there.
  3. SenorSanteria


    Mercury Vapor lamps do produce some useable light that will sustain plant growth, they are much less effective than a Metal Halide. Figure a Mercury Vapor will be around 50% as effective for vegging your plants as compared to a Halide.
  4. SenorSanteria

    Lowryder 2 - Things You Might Not Know

    Can lowryder be flowered under 12/12 light? I dont see any reason why it couldnt be. Reason I ask is because my flower room is two HPS lights, and my veg room is a 250w metal halide. I think the LR would do better under the HPS's, instead of keeping it 24/0 with the halide. Thoughts? Or should...
  5. SenorSanteria

    Think this space is enough to grow a nice crop?

    Use four pots that are wider and lower. Preferably square, so they fit in there and use the floor space as effectively as possible.
  6. SenorSanteria

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    Yeah, if conversion bulbs werent $60+
  7. SenorSanteria

    $170,000,000! Where's the outrage?

    170 million in itself is an inflated number. The actual number is more like $45 mil, which is about the same as Bush's and Clinton's inaugeration. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. Theyre all just politicians. No one politician is better than the other. Theyre all liars, scam artists...
  8. SenorSanteria

    !!!help help emergency!!!!!!!

    Thats how I did it when I moved. I had to transport 16 hanging females that had just been chopped down. I used a uhaul trailer, packed with other shit. Even if you did get pulled over, I highly doubt a cop is going to go through every box on the trailer. Just make sure the pot box isnt easily...
  9. SenorSanteria

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    I agree. If a customer is not happy with a bag, and granted it still weighs what it did when purchased, there should be NO REASON that a dealer wouldnt take it back. If you've got the balls to sell shake, you better have the brains to take it back when someones pissed about it. Its just common...
  10. SenorSanteria

    Is it just me or is this(pics) F#@KING SHWAG?!?!?!

    I never make a huge stink if i get a bag I'm not happy about. I make it VERY clear to the dealer that I'm not happy about it. Sometimes they take care of me, and if they dont, they lose a customer. Simple as that. Im usually one of the better customers for the people I buy from. I usually pick...
  11. SenorSanteria

    !!!help help emergency!!!!!!!

    The further into flowering the plant is, the less likely the clone will be to root. Wait until youve moved to take them, youll be okay. Dont get pulled over though!
  12. SenorSanteria

    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    Well I'm glad I bought four then!:lol: Thanks for making this thread, OregonMeds!
  13. SenorSanteria

    First grow - unknown seeds

    Skip the good seeds- pick your favorite strains from this grow and use clones. Spend your money elsewhere. Lights, nutes, etc.
  14. SenorSanteria

    Making a bud look delicious

    Right, but you didnt answer my question. I know MH IS better for veg. Im asking: why? I know the plant can use the blue light better for veg and it mimics springtime, blah blah blah. But why is MH chosen over HPS if the HPS doesnt cause stretching? What other reason would there be that would...
  15. SenorSanteria

    Scrawny house plant is budding

    If you arent going to put any effort into it, just leave it where it is. When the hairs turn orange, pick it and smoke it. Thats the best advice I can give to someone who doesnt give a crap about their plant. ;-)
  16. SenorSanteria

    Making a bud look delicious

    If HPS does not cause stretching during veg, why is Metal Halide that much better? What differences would be noticed in an HPS grow from veg to flower, versus a grow with MH for veg and HPS for flower?
  17. SenorSanteria

    High pH runoff... question?

    Well thats the thing of it- the plants look pretty good, except for the minor problems that I posted pictures of- which arent "new." I just wasnt sure if the problems I posted were serious enough for me to make any changes. I can take a "from the top" picture of the plants, if you guys would...
  18. SenorSanteria

    High pH runoff... question?

    Each plant is under its own 150w HPS (my flowering chamber has two, Its just by chance that I only have two plants in there right now). The plants were started with standard potting soil that contained no nutrients- not a name brand that you guys would recognize, but the important thing was that...
  19. SenorSanteria

    12/12 From seed to Harvest (1 oz Honies)

    Half a pound off 16 plants grown under CFL's is fairly impressive in my book. Thats a half ounce per plant. CFL's are nowhere near as capable as HID's. That was my 2nd grow... I have 2 HPS's and a halide now. :-P