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  1. D


    First time growing og kush there any tips u could give me ?
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    Thats music to my ears she a big yielder?
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    Are black diesel and og kush strains that can be topped
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    plagron royalty mix with bio bizz nutes

    Hi has anyone had experience with plagron royalty mix ...using bio bizz range of nutes on them ?
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    newbie about to set up

    Slip on thanks.A cool tube could be good for summer ..and a normal wing shape reflector for winter ..thats my guess:) .
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    newbie about to set up

    Thanks serial if the heat is too much then a cool tube it is .sound advice
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    light advice

    I have a 600 w digital ballast .it come with a 600w sodium bulb ...can i use a 600w hps bulb with this ballast?
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    600w ballast ..

    Its digital not magnetic i got it wrong
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    newbie about to set up

    Hi i did think this may be a prob .however my fan sucking air in will be straight from outside with no bends on the ducting .same with the extractor ..will this make any difference to needing a cool tube .. I guess i will have to experiment before i put the plants in ..dont want to fry them
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    newbie about to set up

    Im gonna set up my tent very soon i have ordered this lot for my set up ..please comment if u feel the need .1.2x1.2x2.0 tent 600w sodium light 4inch pvk fan in 5 pvk fan out with temp control 1 oscilating fan.. I have 2 black diesel and 1 og kush vegging under t5 fluorescents in...
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    600w ballast ..

    Its a magnetic not sure of make ..will read the label tomorrow ..thanks for the advice
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    600w ballast ..

    Hi im a newbie ..i have purchased a 600 w ballast it comes with a lamp and bulb it says 600w sodium lamp,but says nothing about it being a hps bulb . Would it be safe to use a 600w hps bulb ?