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  1. D

    what the heck is going on?

    Plagron lightmix is what i use ..its great stuff .but remember theres only enough food in there for 3+4 weeks from seed
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    Will This Work?

    Day 13 and ur feeding nutes .. I would wait untill ur plants are at least 5 inches tall before u even think about nutes ..u could overdose ur babus quite easily .
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    Is this bad? First Grow/Post/Everything

    For next time just remember little plant ,little light , little water .......and so on ...the first 3 weeks is the hardest so afyer that u should get the hang of it ..i use transparent cups for a seedling so u can see how much moisture and how much root mass u have to consider before watering...
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    Help diagnose my seedlings.Lots of pics.

    Overwatered mate
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    what the heck is going on?

    Yeah . U was lucky those seedlings pulled through in that hot soil i made same mistake a long time ago and lost the lot ..i now start seedlings in a lightmix and keep them in it all the way through .as i like to have control of the nutrients they get
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    should i trimm????

    I take a little at a time .every couple of days towards the end the most yellow ones go to create light for lower buds .but dont take too many off one plant u dont wanna stress her out at this stage as she is swelling up for you
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    Opinions please 600w red spectrum for flowering

    Looking for ur opinions on what is the best 600w red spuctrum lamp on the market ?? For flowering purposes only ..experienced growers opinions please ?
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    Right im gonna order a 600w flowering lamp red spectrum .. What is the best lamp to gp 4 ? opinions please
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    first time grower needs help

    When watering seedlings dont give them loads of wayer u dont want to drown them its better to give them lots of little waterings over a monthly period than to give them 4 big waterings . Let the soil dry out a little this makes the roots search for water and give u a better root system .and a...
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    The UK Growers Thread! A big bang 2 HERMIED
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    want to replace carbon in my filter

    What exactly am i looking for .need to puchase some and dont know what to ask for !!
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    droopy leafs

    There u go ..ur plant is changing into flowering mode .u will see changes looking at ur plant she looks fine. This is her transitioning from one grow phase to another..if they continue to get even more droopy then u should wrorry . But i think u will be just fine ..please upload another pic once...
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    droopy leafs

    If u have been giving them 1pint of water untill this stage and they have been fine untill now i dont think watering is the problem . Tbh the leaves dont look that droopy . Is she in veg or just been flipped to flower ?
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    droopy leafs

    when did u water last ?
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    looks just like a big bang 2 i just grew out .. same colours going on and bud fomation with long stem ..what seed bank did u use ...kana??
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    i got afeeling a super hps is a sales technique just to sell more of them ...but worth a go nether the less. good luck with whatever u go for mate
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    25£ebay heres a link SONT PIA Plus600 Watt£68.40 BLT Direct Philips Son-t Pia Plus 600wHps ...£25.00 eBay
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    i got a mate who owns a grow shop and he says the phillips 600 hps is the best flowering bulb .. his opinion my 2 cents
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    Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.

    cold temps slow the matablism of the plant so if they go over 12 weeks dnt wrorry about it they are ready when they are ready ..the trichomes will tell u when ur done ..24 hrs of dark then lights on is the way to go to change light cycle as sworth says. as for nutes im a bio bizz user so cant...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    im currently growing luton cheese which i got from cutting .. i am in week 10 of flower and they look like they could go another two weeks (had some cold temp issues in the last three weeks due to snow )allthough an indoor grow .. luton cheese is what everyone is growing around here and is a...