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  1. K

    4 lights staggered with 30 plants, or 2 lights on all the time with 15 plants

    What do you think would produce a better yield? Recirculating hydro, 8.5 ceilings, Gavita 1150 lights Setup A: 2 tables, 15 plants on each table, 2 Gavitas over each table, (one gavita over each table is on for two hours, then they switch off while the opposite Gavita flips on) so it would be...
  2. K

    Newbie needs help with plant problem during flower **PLEASE HELP PICS INCLUDED

    Thanks for the response. I was suspecting nutrient burn. It's just strange that only 15% of the room turns out this way and the other 85% is okay when getting the same feed schedule. I followed the GH feed schedule the first time. This time I cut it in half and still had the same problem. I'm...
  3. K

    Newbie needs help with plant problem during flower **PLEASE HELP PICS INCLUDED

    Hi guys, I'm growing for my second time to handle my medicinal needs. Unfortunately, it has not been smooth sailing. I'm running a recirculating system and my growing medium is Grodan rockwool cubes. I'm using the General Hydroponics Expert Flora Series. Fortunately, I have a good connection...