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  1. mroffthewall

    Tried making hash.. came out weird

    You tried making hash, but you got weed juice instead. :lol:
  2. mroffthewall

    Craziest Dealer Situation

    Crazy but worth it haha
  3. mroffthewall

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Ice cube/ molded ice bowls are fucking righteous, but you gotta smoke them in a meat locker or some shit before they melt. The smoke comes out smoother than new fucking pavement. Also, GTA V is going to kill me eventually.
  4. mroffthewall

    Your first time getting high

    Hell, mine's not too inspiring either, man.
  5. mroffthewall

    Your first time getting high

    There's probably a thread out there somewhere like this, but I couldn't find it, so fuck it, let's start a new one. I was about 16, and there was a new kid who just moved Charleston, which is a real urban city known for its weed. I wasn't expecting to get high, I was walking my dog and we ran...
  6. mroffthewall

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    I think that cats get high secretly, and they're always hiding cause they're paranoid crackheads. The good cats smoke dat :bigjoint: though.
  7. mroffthewall

    I'm Smoking...

    Grandaddy Purp, best purp I've had next to Purple Urkle
  8. mroffthewall


    Sunday night, I was working a later shift than usual at the gas station for the grocery store I work at, and a box was falling behind me, so I kicked it back up to prevent it from dumping its shit everywhere. My pants ripped. Right in the crotch area. Fuck you JC Penney chinos.
  9. mroffthewall

    Craziest Dealer Situation

    Thanks man
  10. mroffthewall

    Craziest Dealer Situation

    One time I went to go meet a dealer at the mall, and he told me exactly where he left the stuff, in a pair of jeans in Abercrombie & Fitch, so I looked for it for a whole fucking hour, even the girl jeans, then he texted me and said "Oops, I meant Hollister. They're so similar man" Never bought...
  11. mroffthewall

    Note to self thread

    Note to self: Get some more Half Baked Ben & Jerry's cause that shit is amazing.
  12. mroffthewall

    beyond pissed and confused.

    That shit might knock you out man, I sure wouldn't smoke it. Also buy a decent camera instead of wasting it on bad bud man.