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  1. J

    Do I need more light?

    Im growing 11 plants in a 25 sq ft room. I have a 600w HPS. my last grow of ten plants was a bit of a dissapointment. I yielded aproximately an ounce per plant. I attributed this to the small pots (3.8 qts) I used and have since switched to 7 gallon containers. Should I add another 400W or...
  2. J

    Estimation on Flowering

    bout 30 days out. Don't get ancy an chop em while the pistils are white and prominent. Let them recede into the bud. The calxy's should become swollen and appear almost as if seeded. Cut to soon, your bud is wispy and weak. Let the nugs tighten and be caked with resin. Nice emerald green...
  3. J

    Grow just got ripped.

    The guy I think it is came by and smoked a bowl with me right before I checked it out. His rent money got stolen cause he slipped it under the landlords office door in loose bills and somone fished it out from inside. So he goes to the city with the last of his cash, 350 dollars, and when the...
  4. J

    Grow just got ripped.

    I'm shaking with fucking rage. just went down to my grow room to find 5 of my 9 plants with their colas ripped off. 3 days ouit from harvest. The worst part is that it must be one of my friends; things so stealth you'd never find it, much less know to look for it. I think I know who it is...
  5. J

    When does flowering start

    I have 9 nice looking plants that were switched to 12-12 40 days ago. pistils, however took ~10 days to show, nodes were not alternating at that time. should flowering be considered to commence when the lights are switched, or when the pistles appear?
  6. J

    When do males shed pollen?

    In general, how long do I have to identify males after initiating flowering before they start pollinating my females? Five days 5 days on yet and no sign of sex. I have 16 plants in a cramped room so I could miss one.
  7. J

    Raising a crop of SEEDS?

    It is not essential that you sequester away the polinated female. chose the strongest male, kill the others, and let him mature. collect his pollen and remove a choice fem. use a paintbrush to apply the pollen to her pistils. give her a few days off to decontaminate. mist her down with some...
  8. J

    How will I know when to trim and jar?

    Yes hang in absolute darkness for 3-7 days. It helps to have a small fan moving the air in the space, but not blowing directly at them, as doing that will cause the surface of the buds to dry out while the center retains moisture. dry till the stem snaps rather than bends. To cure place in an...
  9. J

    How do I employ the Lucas formula in soil

    I was able to get my hands on a bottle of flora micro and flora grow from a buddy of mine who's hanging it up for a bit. The ladies (and gentleman, as they have yet to show) began flowering 3 days ago. Please don't chide me for not using the search feature; I did and needless to say the matter...