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  1. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    400-500ppm is a normal ambient co2 lvl in populated areas....why would you need to hold your breathe? 1500ppm is a "greenhouse effect" and about the max a plant can use. People get slightly light headed at about 2000ppm and can die at around your probably safe man. You would get a...
  2. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    the 1 issue I have come upon with my "streamline wind tunnel" is that the space is so small that my dehumidifier creates so much heat in the small space that the heat itself creates too much humidity to be worth using (DOH!!!)...but luckily the over sized AC drops the heat/humidity to a...
  3. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    As far as i can tell the only difference between the chhc1 vs chhc4 is the 1 comes with a PC port for software they never fully finished....I have a copy of the software they released and its piss poor to say the least. Basically it graphs the high/low daily variables temp/humidity/c02 etc...
  4. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    No offense taken. And please don't think im speaking in scientifically rigorous tones here. I simply don't need to refill my tank less then every 4 rounds. So unless my controllers calibration is horridly off (and I do calibrate every round), it's an accurate reading. I am only using a CHHC1...
  5. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    Yeah it is extreamly dialed in...i took pics of the whole build and have been considering posting it. No not because of global warming.....we are saying that people shouldnt use co2 unless thier space is sealed properly because it adds to the already overloaded greenhouse effect.
  6. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    I actually created a "wind-tunnel" room that is hermetically sealed 10' x 2'6". But I have environmental controllers that keep the ppm balanced. I go through 1, 20lb tank every 4 rounds or so at about 1000-1200ppm. This includes flower and veg as the unit has 2 levels. :mrgreen: You just cant...
  7. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    Well your certainly not wrong on that end hotrod. All the more reason that those who DO still choose to use it do so in a COMPLETELY sealed room with environmental controllers to assure that your plants are actually USING the CO2 instead of it venting and adding to the aforementioned climate issue.
  8. FauxRoux

    grow tent with CO2

    As stated, even where the flaps zip closed will be enough for slight air exchange/co2 loss. There is no way to use co2 in a tent efficiently. You will be constantly replenishing it.
  9. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    As I mentioned the Amare 880 is comprised of 4xSE220's...if that spectrometer is like the machine they back in college the umol rating in the video is the overall light rating for the light...height wont be a factor inside that machine.... the Amare claim probably is for the complete 880 ...but...
  10. FauxRoux

    First Dwc first fukin problem

    When I go DWC or anything like it I use a humidity dome until the roots get developed enough to feed properly. At the stage your plant is at a clear plastic dixie cup would suffice.
  11. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    The SolarEclipse220 delivers 1831umol@12", 1095umol@24", 596umol@36". oops...This is the video I was calling the utah is not at that bad...cant remember why I transposed that...sounds like you watched it.....the CLW 880 is in it and gets very poor marks. If I had to pick...
  12. FauxRoux

    Breeding Basics

    What ^he said :bigjoint:
  13. FauxRoux

    Breeding Basics

    No pics. As I stated it mostly came from textbooks, sorry. But if you would like more in depth info I would recommend looking in nearly ANY commercial ag textbook as this info couldn't be any more generic. Any 1st year student would probably be familiar with it with even biology 101 under their...
  14. FauxRoux

    Breeding Basics

    An important rule: If any offspring from a cross test display the recessive trait, the genotype of the parent with the dominant trait must be heterozygous and not homozygous. In our example, our unknown genotype is either BB or Bb. The purple bud genotype is bb. We'll put this information...
  15. FauxRoux

    Breeding Basics

    The Hardy-Weinberg Model Of Genetic Equilibrium: For this we must picture a theoretical gene pool in which there is no change or variation at all. At equilibrium there can be no change or evolution. Picture a population whose genes contain the alleles B and b. Assign the letter "p" to the...
  16. FauxRoux

    Breeding Basics

    I have noticed a few people that seem to be curious about the ins and outs of breeding so I thought I would pass on some basics. I relied heavily on a few sources and a few textbooks/other books lying around for ease of reference/concise explanation. Intention: First what are you trying to...
  17. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Coverage for amare 880 is 5x5. The university of utah video showed pretty poor performance with the CLW solorstorm 880....i have yet to see any reports of poor performance with amare...from anyone that actually has 1, but then again i never tried the earlyer models either...only the...
  18. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Which is an EXTREMELY good point. Im very interested in seeing what the new model looks like. If you have the option of waiting that long I would. At some point ill need to replace my other lights and im sure they will be out by then. Its not like we're shopping for new slacks here. ;)
  19. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    No worries, I respect keeping peoples confidence, its a must. And I know what you mean, I saw that university of Utah study with the 1/4mill spectrometer and nearly climaxed...I was all ready to buy BML but then research led me to Amare. Between what I found out about amare/the spectrum...
  20. FauxRoux

    BML Spyder600 Review

    Even better when it was compacted with that awesome moldy center and inner tire smell :)