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  1. E

    First time ww grower 5 weeks into flowering. Any advised is welcomed!

    This is my first ever grow and its with ww. I think it looks great, but would appreciate any comments. Grow in miracle grow potting soil and fox farm nutes.
  2. E

    First ever indoor grow using 90 watt quad band ufo led lifgt and 3 23 watt cfl's

    here are som pics. three strain, thc bomb, pure afghani and some reg. bag seed. the room is 7'x5'x5' coated with reflective paper. the plants are all 1 week old today. using fox farm soil and nutrients. any comments would be greatly appreciated.
  3. E

    newbie with questions

    My plants (i believe they r white widow) r 5 weeks old and r about 8 to 10th inches tall. Is this normal size for its age, being grown by soil on pot outdoors. At what age or size should my plants be ready for flowering?
  4. E

    first time grower of white widow outdoors

    I have a couple of questions. First, I have 4 plants in soil growing in pots outside in the natural sunlight. They are about 5 weeks old and about 5 to 6 inches tall. Is this a good size for 5 weeks outside?