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  1. R

    My first grow - will probably need help!

    for anybody interested, ive moved this here and started a journal :)
  2. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    hi guys, I wanted to start a journal so i could share all my photo updates as I go. I'm 16 days in now since the seeds popped. my setup is: This 105W (525W equivalent) Blue CFL: Using my wardrobe with a sliding door, it had white walls but I lined it with reflective foil...
  3. R

    200w+ CFL scrog in the attic

    Great journal. Thanks for sharing!
  4. R

    My first grow - will probably need help!

    Absolutely! I've even reading non stop :-) The problem is, as always with the internet, there's a lot of conflicting information out there! I posted this earlier but looks like it didn't work so apologies if this repeats. Here's some pictures of today, I think this is day 6 since they popped...
  5. R

    My first grow - will probably need help!

    P.s - all four of these should be female, I paid te little extra to get feminised seeds.
  6. R

    My first grow - will probably need help!

    Thanks or the tip, I worry about stretching though, you can see one seedling has already grown taller than the other to get closer to the light. If I move it away and then cover them with a bottle top too, will they get enough light? Here's them today (which I think is about day 6 since they...
  7. R

    My first grow - will probably need help!

    Hi guys, Doing my first ever personal grow, my setup is: This 105W (525W equivalent) Blue CFL: Using my wardrobe with a sliding door, it had white walls but I lined it with reflective foil anyway. Its about 3 feet wide by 2 feet deep. I have 5 top skunk 44 seeds, all...