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  1. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    looks like a couple of those posts are suggesting/talkign as if the plants are still alive, just to clarify, they are NOT :) all 100% dead and buried. im now onto my second attempt. 5 8-ball Kush and 5 Afghan #1. as promised in my last post, here's some pictures, check out the twin! 2...
  2. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    **************UPDATE************ hi guys, bad news, it all went tits up. all 4 are dead and buried :( I've just started all over with 5 8-ball kush and 5 Afghan #1. will keep you posted, I may start a new thread.
  3. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    Thanks for all your help guys. So the last 4 all died in the end. I took some cuttings from the healthiest areas (there weren't many!) but they didn't take. So I've just started again. 5 8-ball kush and they came with a little free gift of 5 afghan #1. Didnt bother with tissue germination...
  4. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    P.S - I did buy new pots and some Ericaceous soil as apparently it has a lower PH, has anybody got experience with this soil? I've heard MJ likes a nice low PH of around 5.5 - 6.5? Anyway, I repotted them in this new soil with bigger pots and flushed them. It had no effect. They just got...
  5. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    Afraid not, they just got gradually Worse & worse. I think it was a combination of high soil ph, (around 7.5), too small pots, and poor nute combinations! We live and learn... I cut all four down recently, tried reverting some clippings back to veg stage in a propagate but Im not holding...
  6. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    hmmm i did wonder about the pots, does anybody else think those pots are too small? as for light burn, they're CFLs, i can touch them even when they've been on for 12 hours, pretty cool!
  7. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    so ive just flushed all 4 plants, im worried now that they will wilt from all that water? also just looked at my nutes again: the miracle grow has an NPK of 6-3-6 the bloom booster is pretty much just potash and magnesium the bio bloom has an NPK of 2-7-4 so....which should i be using? :-S both...
  8. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    thank you! that article is very interesting. I'll start by flushing them all now!
  9. R

    please help, leaves brown, crispy, twisted - pictures inside

    hi guys, I had this thread here and all was going well: however once i started flowering, i completely overlooked switching fertiliser, so was giving them miracle gro for a while which was high in nitrogen. this...
  10. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Tried to uploa pictures but the upload function doesn't seem to work :-( will try again soon
  11. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Good news!!! Today I noticed all 4 plants have started preflowering, and all seem to be female :-) got some great close up shots of pistils, I'll upload them tomorrow for those who are interested. P.s - thanks for the likes!
  12. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    And yes the stalk is still pretty flexible at the top, and super floppy when the soil dries out! but I haven't seen any fim methods that use tying yet? I thought bending and tying was for low stress training?
  13. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Well I've just snipped the very top as seen in some fimming videos on YouTube, I'll see what effect that has, if it doesn't split the growth I'll try topping next. I'll post some more pix very soon. Cheers for your help!
  14. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Ok.... Can I use 'fimming' instead? I'm just kinda reluctant to cut off something that looks so healthy! :-p
  15. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Yeah me too, but the websites I've seen say top skunk 44 is mostly sativa. And no not really, I've considered it but worried I'll mess it up! They look so natural & beautiful right now I can't bring myself to intervene.... Do you think it's really important then? What exactly do I need to do?
  16. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Cheers! Yeah I get hints of skunk now and again, but this is in my room so I think I've got used to it. It smells strongest when I first get home from work. And when I stick my face in them! Is that a sign to switch to 12/12 then, when they start smelling?
  17. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Im now about 6 weeks in (just under) here's some photos from today! really wide leaves, so I'm assuming they're indica - I read top skunk 44 is mostly sativa, but I guess as its a mix they can vary? one of my 4 looks much lankier and has thinner leaves, so maybe that one is more sativa? but...
  18. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    Yeah I reckon I will get a second bulb soon, they're one for now though, the tips are ever closing up from too much light
  19. R

    First Closet Grow: Top Skunk 44 - Indoor, 18-6 4 females from seed

    So here's a little update for you, i'm exactly 3 weeks in since the seeds popped, all plants are looking healthy I think! I've migrated them into their new pots for the rest of their grow, 2 plants have some minor browning on the lower leaves, but i guess that's either because they aren't...