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  1. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Thanks for the reply man! I've let the soil almost dry out...I stuck my finger an inch or so into the soil and it's dry, but they're still curled/drooping downward. I'll put the lights closer again -- I thought that taco shape might have been from the lights being too close :S
  2. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

  3. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Here's an update for day 19 -- notice the curl and droop, especially on the one plant.. Any cause for concern here? What's it from? Thanks!
  4. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Pics of LST from a few days ago..
  5. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    I am noticing some major curling of the leaves (upward) and also they're a bit droopy...Is this a sign that I've been overwatering, or what?
  6. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Hey guys, Reporting in early at day 17! I am experimenting with the low stress training method and gently stretched them to edges of the pots with some dental floss and plastic knives as stakes, I'm thinking about leaving it like this for a couple days or so, then taking the stakes out...
  7. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    I'm thinking the curling of leaves might be due to having my lights too close to the plants (around 2 inches away), or maybe the positioning of my fan -- blowing nearly directly at the one... I'm going to change this around and see what happens.
  8. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Hey all, Here they are at day 10. I've been watering them once a day, and have introduced Liquid Karma by Botanicare (day 9) (around half a cap/1.5L). I'll throw some Vegetative formula into the mix at day 14. Any suggestions? Does it look like I'm over/underwatering? Cheers, thanks for...
  9. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    I had read something like that in another thread the other day -- totally makes sense to make those roots reach for the water at the outsides of the pot! A nice even sprinkle over the whole thing should be okay then, maybe once a day?
  10. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    BUMP As well as a quick question -- do we need a certain number of posts to be able to post pictures to an album? I started an album to log the progress of what happens here, but can't seem to find the place to begin uploading pictures for the album? Thanks!!
  11. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    After going into the ground on May 1st, here they are three days later... The first one sprouted really quickly, reaching for the light, and the second began peeking her head up not too long ago. I've been dampening the soil with a small shot of water maybe twice a day -- maybe ten hours after...
  12. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Thanks for the helpful info -- I think I'm going to try and put 1 outside anyway then! I hope I've been giving them the proper amount of water -- I pour maybe a shot glass of water in, then wait til it dries out completely and put another in. It seems to get dry fairly quickly in there, but I...
  13. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Yeah I was thinking I might finish them outside once they get some resilience built up; I tend to have quite a few rabbits in the backyard around this time of year that might be a threat them if they're babies... The dimensions are about 16" by 16" and 2 feet tall -- we'll see how long it takes...
  14. T

    First Time -- Little Cheese Auto (CFLs)

    Hey everyone, This is my first time doing this -- so any suggestions would be great. I germinated two feminized Little Cheese autos from Barney's Farm (the root sprouted in about two days). Now they're sitting in my homemade growbox (pics attached). I think I planted the germinated seeds a...
  15. T

    First Experiment

    So would this emergency blanket suffice for reflecting light/heat back to the plants from the walls of my room? : Also, can I get away with not installing an output fan and just leave my 6" oscillating fan next to my plants? Is it...
  16. T

    First Experiment

    I take it the worst of the smell will occur during the flowering stages? Thanks for the suggestion -- ONA gel looks pretty cool! I'll get some pics up once I get setup and you guys can see what I'm workin' with a little easier. Thanks for the tips! Keep'em comin'!
  17. T

    First Experiment

    Thanks again for the replies guys. I did some home depot shopping and dropped around $140 on some supplies (wow those big CFLs add up quick). I'll post some pics on what I'm working with. I basically got a work light type frame for my lights (a silver dish-looking thing) with an extender coming...
  18. T

    First Experiment

    Thanks for all that! I'll take a look at the CFL section. With smell, since I'm renting a place right now I'll soon be living with a few random people that I do not know -- so I'm just thinking out of consideration for them mostly. I'm also in the works of getting my MMAR forms processed so I...
  19. T

    First Experiment

    Thanks for the fast reply! What sort of a unit would I buy to plug all those lights in? One that would fit say 8 CFLs that is? And how are they on heat when that close together in a confined space (of drywall and wood)? Also, how pungent are a couple of these fellars in the flowering stage...
  20. T

    First Experiment

    Hey everyone, First time posting, nice to meet you all. Just looking for some clarification/suggestions here. I have a small, maybe 2x3x4ft(tall) space on my desktop and am curious to know if I could get any sort of worthwhile yield just by a few CFLs and maybe a small fan for only one plant...