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  1. Sunrise Medicinal

    LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

    The growers/sellers who operate within the legal system i laid out wouldnt be operating in the black market anymore. anyone growing/selling outside of that system would be in the black market but that market would shrink just like with smokes and booze... people can still grow all they want for...
  2. Sunrise Medicinal

    LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

    well at that point the market wouldn't be black and the growers/sellers not criminals anymore so at that point the industry should absolutley thrive. The once opon a time criminal would be a legal tax paying entrepreneur
  3. Sunrise Medicinal

    Cannabis IS NOT zero rated for GST

    ok ok i agree, stupid comparison i typed that without thinking much you guys are right about the cranberry juice thing now that i think about it with a clear head ;) i blame the death bubba
  4. Sunrise Medicinal

    Cannabis IS NOT zero rated for GST

    Sorry dude but your wrong in saying i am wrong... Cannabis does not have a drug identification number, a doctor cannot prescribe anything that does not have a DIN... Its like having a bladder infection and doctor says try cranberry juice.... ill tell you right now he doesnt write cranberry...
  5. Sunrise Medicinal

    Cannabis IS NOT zero rated for GST

    Its not a prescription. It is just a recomendation - like asking a doctor for a note saying you were sick to miss work...
  6. Sunrise Medicinal

    LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

    what needs to happen: Anyone can produce the plant, however, once the product is ready for sale, it gets sent to an independant facillity who does quality control tests, if it passes the criteria than they allow that batch to be sold to retail outlets (dispensary's) if it does not pass it is...
  7. Sunrise Medicinal

    LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

    The LP's are pushing HARD to allow them to operate dispensaries of their own... A smart dispensary will set up like an extension of the MMPR. And do their best to mimic the regulations with record keeping, security and QA/QC. It will be much easier to convince our politicians to distribute...
  8. Sunrise Medicinal

    LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

    Its mostly stuff from their first few harvests i would imagine... ive seen pics/reviews of it and its definalty not floor sweepings... at a dispensary it would pass for dubs. trips and quads not a chance. no such thing as lp's with trips n quads especially having to irradiate. I have yet to see...
  9. Sunrise Medicinal

    LP bedrocan lowers price from 7.50 to 5.00 a gram

    canntrust has some strains for $3.50 a gram