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  1. Nuggles

    Nutrient Problem (I believe) HELP!

    This is a soil less grow. They are currently chillin in their A-ok cubes. I'm going to keep them going on just water for a little while til they have a stronger root base. When would you recommend testing the pH? before or after the nutes? I use the pH test kit with the drops not the strips...
  2. Nuggles

    Nutrient Problem (I believe) HELP!

    I'll definitely try increasing the pH on my next watering. Thanks for the input. If you know anyone that may know more could u let them know, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks again!
  3. Nuggles

    Nutrient Problem (I believe) HELP!

    Forgot to add that they are bagseed
  4. Nuggles

    Nutrient Problem (I believe) HELP!

    So I watered my plants the other day and to this point all waterings have been nutrient free with a pH between 5.5 and 6.0. These babies are under 24hr fluorescent tubes and are about to be moved into bigger pots for the last 2 weeks of their vegg...So anyway I watered them the other day with a...
  5. Nuggles

    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Great thread helped me a lot with some issues I was having with some babies. Thanks...I sure hope they pull through
  6. Nuggles

    Identifying my strain

    If you're familiar with torrents grab this...
  7. Nuggles

    wannabekush has it down man. Get yourself a pH test kit. Chances are if you're using tap water...

    wannabekush has it down man. Get yourself a pH test kit. Chances are if you're using tap water then ur pH is going to be way to high. Next you can probably use a little more Nitrogen so grab some nutes (25-5-5 is a good place to be in the beginning at about 1/4 strength) You probably need to...
  8. Nuggles

    hijack 4 weeks into 12/12 +rep 4 help

    Get some pruning shears and trim up those fucked up leaves...if it turns out to be a disease and not just some type of mistake in growing then it could fuck up the rest of your crop. My boy lost 24 rooted clones cause he mother caught sumthin. Just a heads up...better safe than sorry.
  9. Nuggles

    Are you using any often are you watering...what kind of soil...what lights are...

    Are you using any often are you watering...what kind of soil...what lights are you using?has it been out of light for any longer than 8 hours??? The pics you have posted are a little low quality. If you can, post some more pics and let me know your set up and I'll do the best I...
  10. Nuggles

    Retarded Troubles

    How long are you vegging for? I had a problem with my first attempt at growing in soil that was similar. I thought I had to go out and buy a bunch of crazy equipment to fix my problems but the 'hydro-guy' gave me a way to save all my plants that I had started in soil. First he set me up with...
  11. Nuggles

    A valid question regarding nutrients...

    Awesome! I had been checking after I added the nutes but my little brother was over last night and asked me and he recommended that I check into it (he's much smarter than me) Thanks for the quick reply!
  12. Nuggles

    A valid question regarding nutrients...

    Should the pH of the water be measured before or after you add your nutrients (or both).:confused:
  13. Nuggles

    New Pics of My Grow <UPDATE>

    The look fuckin great! how long you got left?
  14. Nuggles

    All my trees are dying! HELP!

    The temp is between 70-76 all day with a good amount of airflow. I'm not sure of the humidity yet most of my measuring tools will be shipping with my lights so I wont have them for a few days. I will be recieveing a Dark Room DR80 2'8"x2'8"x5'3" grow tent with a 400wHPS lighting system...
  15. Nuggles

    All my trees are dying! HELP!

    I woke up this morning to some pretty unhappy girls :(. Shutting off the drip for the night didnt do anything good. Anyone have any ideas???
  16. Nuggles

    All my trees are dying! HELP!

    My fingers are crossed...we'll see how they are in 8 hours when I wake up. Thanks for all the help!
  17. Nuggles

    All my trees are dying! HELP!

    So should I cut the pump? the last time I did that only for a few hours i noticed what looked like some unhappy plants. I'll give it a whirl tho.
  18. Nuggles

    All my trees are dying! HELP!

    I tried gauging it with my hand but didnt seem to have much luck with that. I also tried shutting off the drip for 3.5 hours while i was at work and came home to less happy looking plants :(. I'm going to go out tomorrow and buy a few florescent lights for these little ladies. These first few...
  19. Nuggles

    All my trees are dying! HELP! ...This is the light I'm using until my HPS setup ships but I'm using a 120w not a 65. In a week time I should have the HPS and a darkroom with 2 of those buckets and another 5gal. res. This is 2 weeks from...
  20. Nuggles

    How do you pass you drug test?

    go to GNC and get a cleanse...the strips work really really good. Also they have these sample packs of vitamins for like a buck that help with the cleanse...drink shitloads of water with it and you'll be fine. I used to work there and we sold at least 1-3 a day for people trying to pass...