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  1. Jonny185

    New to Growing

    Dude nice set-up...Im hiding mine tooo. In a PC case tho, check out my post Anyways about temp...I lost my last grow cos the temps were tooo cold in there. Do not let the room temperature get over 35 C (95 F) as this hurts growth. Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong...
  2. Jonny185

    Another set-up...another attempt!! PC GROW WITH PICS gunna try fit 2 plants in there ;)
  3. Jonny185

    Another set-up...another attempt!! PC GROW WITH PICS

    Well im having another attempt! I just ordered some Major Mazari seeds...anybody used these before? I have no idea who they'll turn out. Anyway, with lights on im now getting temps around 80F. Which should be ooookkk. Im doing it ULTRA Stealth, check the pics. Using a soil medium again...
  4. Jonny185

    1 Week into Veg..1st grow with pics. Exited!!

    I think that when I watered it the soil was compacted and becuase it wasn't warm enough to evaporate the soil just stayed saturated and the poor roots never developed..its a real shame. Im thinking of buying a heater and having another go but im not sure yett
  5. Jonny185

    1 Week into Veg..1st grow with pics. Exited!!

    Well its dead now...took a look at the roots and there was nothing there. Such a fail. Im not even sure were I went wrong...
  6. Jonny185

    1 Week into Veg..1st grow with pics. Exited!!

    I think its temp realted...its in my closet with temps about 65 with lights on and porbably even cooler with lights off. Is this too cold??
  7. Jonny185

    1 Week into Veg..1st grow with pics. Exited!!

    Ahhh 1 week later and I have some problems :sleep: I have no idea whats up..ive had no growth. Ive been watering fine. Anybody have any ideas whats up?
  8. Jonny185

    16 days does she look?

    Ahh man thats the grow im aiming for...looks great! You should get a decent yield from that baby, how long did you veg for?? :)
  9. Jonny185

    first grow / setup

    Yeh hes right your deffintely gunna need more lighting to flower with bro...but the good news is they look healthy and good You should probably transplant those bigger ones now as well otherwise the root structure wont develop fully :) Are those smaller ones clones yeh??
  10. Jonny185

    CFL 1st set up

    Yeh man..if your running CFL's id say thats fine for 2 plants. Jus make sure there the right spectrum for what ever stage your at, veg/flower :)
  11. Jonny185

    my 1st cfl grow

    Sick set up man...!! When the plants get get bigger in like 4+ weeks or sumin if there all female you might need some more lighting.. Apart from that they look great and healthy, keep it up! Used any nutes yett??? :)
  12. Jonny185

    Stealth Dresser 1stCFL Grow Blue Mystic (PICS INSIDE)

    Very nice my friend...looking great and I love you stealthyness! :bigjoint: Great job noticing the heat stress so early...They look so healthy especially as you havn't used any nutes!! Good soil :leaf: As they begin to flower tho dude you might want to start thinking about space?? The 2 plants...
  13. Jonny185

    1 Week into Veg..1st grow with pics. Exited!!

    The plant is today 1 week old! Currently under 3, 25 W CFL's - 2 are blue, 1 is red. Im adding 2 more in a few days tho..I think shes streched a bit. I used a tiny bit of nutes and actually got some nute burn in the centre so ive stopped giving any nutes at all now. This is kinda just a trial...
  14. Jonny185

    Beercan CFL reflectors! Cheap, easy and effective! Photo how-to guide

    Thanks man..just made some now xD
  15. Jonny185

    First grow with cfls

    its a monster!! how long did you veg for?? =]
  16. Jonny185

    First time I have enough light?

    :joint:Ive set up my grow room etc..and its all good. Im just looking to grow 2 plants to start but im a bit concerned if i have enough light! Any tips or suggestions would be really appreciated! Here it goes, so far I have: 1x 23W CFL (1500 lumens) 4x 20 W CFL's (1200 lumens each) Colour...