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  1. Z

    Doctors that will sign.

    In Mississaua, Dr. Khawar Abbasi will fill out/sign forms for $100 cash. I didn't know that beforehand so paid the $300 to Cannabis Advocates to find that out. Dr. Abbasi himself is really pissed off about the referral places charging money and is generally indignant about the whole thing. No...
  2. Z

    More than one LP at a time?

    This is a bummer. Now I realize I should have had the prescription split, which I didn't. I don't know if it would have cost an extra $100 to do that or not. <sigh>
  3. Z

    More than one LP at a time?

    Hi, I am brand new to medical MJ - just got my forms signed today. the doctor I saw said that you can register with as many LPs as you want to. I had thought it was just one at a time. Is he right? I am trying to decide on an LP, had been thinking Tilray but a "referral service" I used...