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  1. ClownCrack

    Bud Development

    Here is a better pic. Just some Mexican bag seeds I wanted to learn with.
  2. ClownCrack

    Bud Development

    Almost 2 weeks sorry missed that part
  3. ClownCrack

    Bud Development

    Hey rollitup people. Just need some quick input on my bud growth. I am using a 400 watt hps, happy frog soil, and fox farm nutes.
  4. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    I bent the tops and lowered the light so hopefully they will start looking better here are some pics
  5. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    Imma do some reading up on lsting. I know that is my problem I kept the light about 2 feet from the plants. Wayyy to far but I am going to put it a lot closer
  6. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    Since it's my first grow using hids I will plan wayyyy better next time. I did cfls a few years ago but it didn't get that great of a harvest. Since its some Mexican bag seeds I feel like they are going to be tall anyways at lease from the pics I've seen but I will post more pics when I get off...
  7. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    I am using happy frog potting soil with the fox farm trio nutes. And yeah I have a timer. I have a fan blowing the heat from the light to an exhaust fan and one at the bottom to circulate the fresh air. I will fill the rest up in that pot. Do you think I should lst like the other user said?
  8. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    That's not a bad idea. I swear there are bud sites and hairs like crazy. I will take a better pic when I get off work. How close should I put the 400 watt hps? And it's Mexican bag seed so I didn't really expect a lot just enough to smoke till my next harvest.
  9. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    Do you still think I can get some decent buds or should I start over
  10. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    They are some Mexican bag seeds and yeah my ph wasn't right at first but I corrected everything. It's my first real grow with hid so I'm learning before I go buy some real seeds
  11. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    Well damn. Yeah they have pistols all over the place. I had heat problems so I had to move the light pretty far away
  12. ClownCrack

    How they looking?

    I finally got the time to post a thread but how do my girls look? 2 1/2 weeks into flower.
  13. ClownCrack

    Iron deficiency?

    Hi all I think I might have an iron deficiency but I can't tell. I just flipped to 12/12 hps two days ago. I just added the bigbloom and tiger bloom when I flipped the lights the ph was 6.5 so not bad at all. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  14. ClownCrack

    Need some input on my grow

    I give them tap water which is 6.5 every time and the run off is at 6.0. It's just one. I put two in happy frog and I went and got some promix and put two in there the promix has really light green bushy plants and the HF has tall strong dark green plants. Do yall think genetics or soil...
  15. ClownCrack

    Plant problems

    I started with cfls on my first grow then just got 400 watt mh and hps light for my second and it is literally night and day in my eyes. The only problem I had was a little heat issue (put lights to close to plants) but I fix that real quick. I say definitely save up for one. But good job tho...
  16. ClownCrack

    Need some input on my grow

    Hey does this look like nute burn? I have been giving them 1/4 dose than what the chart says also I only give them nutes once a week
  17. ClownCrack

    Need some input on my grow

    I have noticed mine like cooler temps at about 73 to 75 during the day and at night 65 to 68. I guess it just different for every plant
  18. ClownCrack

    Need some input on my grow

    Okay cool thanks I raised the light a little and added more air flow it seem to help
  19. ClownCrack

    Need some input on my grow

    Hey I am kinda running into my first problem on one of my plants the top new growth is starting to look like a taco here are some pics any ideas?
  20. ClownCrack

    Need some input on my grow

    That sound freaking amazing. I don't have access where I live to get feminized seed but I do come across some good Bag seeds every now and then I just want to get to the point where I don't have to buy shit lol