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  1. B

    New growth is yellow HELP

    thanks its my first time and i already lost 3 plants (males) these are my yellow leaves Also do the yellow leaves affect the buds?
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    New growth is yellow HELP

    omg the tips that are yellow have curled up what could that be LKDBLM thanks for that link im keeping that just incase but its none of em
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    New growth is yellow HELP

    ok my babies are in the 4th week of flowering and the new leaves have yellow tips is this a problem or just normal...also can anyone tell me when its ok to use canna PK13/14? lighting 250watt day temp 24 night temp 20 water when they need it nute- canna flores every 4 watering
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    ph to high and yellow leaves help

    yes im going to flush them but that doesnt answer my question as to WHY the ph is so high when the water is 6.5 and with nutes is 5.5 but the soil remains at 8? also the soil ha been this high the whole grow cycle
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    ph to high and yellow leaves help

    ok i am in the second week of flowering and the ph of my soil is just below 8 even though i water them with water thats at 6.5 soil how do i get this down? also ive noticed that the very tips of the TOP leaves are turning yellow. they are in canna terra soil(has nutes). they got fed with...
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    ph to high and yellow leaves help

    ok im in the 2nd week of flowering with 2 females. the ph is almost at 8 even though the water i use is at 5.5 so how can i get that down? also I've just noticed that the very tips of the TOP leaves are just showing a bit of yellow (im trying to catch it early). they are in the canna terra...
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    is this a male plant?

    when cana male be turned into hash
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    is this a male plant?

    thankyou ahh well so that mean i still got three yet to show i can only hope btw just so ppl now never buy from can any one recomend a good place to buy from thanks
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    is this a male plant?

    ok can any1 show me an CLEAR image of a female at this stage plz so i know what to look for
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    is this a male plant?

    this is my first time and have no idea but the seed were ment to be feminized so if this is a male how did that happen please help ps i dont know why it attached an image from when the plant was a baby sorry
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    buds twisting away from light help!!!

    ok 2 problems 1-my best plant has started to bud and has now desided that (just the bud) its wanting to bend right over away from the light even if i turn him round to face it again wtf light is 5ich above it 2-i have bought a corbon filter fan and the smell coming out it is weird (its not...
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    leaves curling help

    also the leaves have just started to flip over completly exposing the underside o his leave i thought 27 was ok all the things ive read say not to go over 30 what should it be? the light is about 24-27inches away at least n it cant go much higher
  13. B

    leaves curling help

    ok im a first timer. the leaves on my plants are curling they are only 4weeks old. i have noticed that it curls more about 2hrs before the light is put off but i looks worse in the morning n slowly looks better till night rolls round. the leaves arnt browning though just curling my setup is...