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  1. TURBS

    Do I Need a mother plant?

    Can I just take a clone or two, keep them in a separate veg box while the main plant buds out? I am building a stealth cabinet and am in the stages of designing a small veg box in it, would you guys recommend keeping a mother, or just clip your main plant?
  2. TURBS

    Bubble trap

    Just a suggestion for anyone interested in getting more oxygen into their water. Rig an upside down plate or something fairly flat over your airstone. This will help slow down the trip a bubble takes to get to the top. Also smaller bubbles are far superior to larger ones, due to the greater...
  3. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    And a great hobby at that! lol. I would likely just run 2 timers rather than switching the bulbs. Say run 10 blue all the time and the 4 reds would turn on for 2-3 hours in the morning and evening. Maybe someone out there who is better equipt could try an experiment growing a couple clones at...
  4. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    I'm sure you'll do fine. I was also recommended Auto AK-47, But I heard you cannot clone the autoflowers, which isn't that big of a deal, the are just a little small, I would need sog for those I think.
  5. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    I started a thread called "Stealth Cabinet Build PICS" If you wanna check out the cabinet, I think it's turning out decent. Not sure how to link to it, it is in the "Indoor Growing" section. Has a smiley face beside the title.
  6. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    I will be using 10 to 14 26w cfls. Supplemented with a small reptile type UVB light for the sticky.
  7. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    BC BIG BUD and 2POUNDER were recommended to me from the seedbank. That 2POUNDER one gives me goose bumps. It's suppose to yeild 2 pounds for every meter squared, one plant. I would settle for a fraction of that!!
  8. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Thanks. I was hoping to do a one plant scrog because I'm a big pussy Idealy I would like to get a three to four ounce minimum yeild. Eight would be better, lol. I am still in the planning stages but from what I have read from you guys on here it should be possible. You guys are the shit. I need...
  9. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Thank you kindly. I hear that putting C02 to close to the plants sometimes burns them or what ever. If I take an air line form a 2litre pop bottle and plumb it to the start of the intake, will this help mix it up enough so I don't damage the plants? I assume I would disconect it in the evenings...
  10. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Almost forgot the REZ with 5v fan for a little freash air.
  11. TURBS

    Stealth Cabinet Build PICS

    Just wanted to share some pics of my scrog cabinet I am making. It has a nice big scrubber powered by five computer fans of unknown CFM. Most 3" fans are 30 to 80 cfm. That will exchange the air 7 to 17 times a minute free flow. Obviously the carbon will slow it up some. The exhaust is 35...
  12. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    Maybe it's best I just try it. It worked very well in the aquarium. Im I big noob so I really got nothin to compare it to. The Co2 kit I put in was amazing as well, I will definatly do that as well. I noticed Thanx for the input. I noticed DrGreenBudGenes use Red/Warm Cfls through his whole...
  13. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    Ya I never said I was trying to replace it, just simulate it a little better.
  14. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    I have 12 super bright RED leds. They run of 12v (resistors inside) I could easily set them to turn on for a bit with the blue cfls running all the time. And to the last guy, its not all about intensity, I'm a big noob and even I know that. If it were just about intensity then try growing with a...
  15. TURBS

    RED in the morning, BLUE in the afternoon?

    Once I had a had a frash water aqarium with live plants. I was doing a little research on some bulbs when I came across an interesting article. It basically suggested useing RED light to simulate dawn and dusk, and use Blue for the afternoon. Red makes it grow a bit in the morning, then the...