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  1. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Ugh didn't really feel like taking pics tonight, but I'm glad I did. Haven't been getting enough sleep and my health likes to stumble a bit at times. Anyways, she's looking pretty rough haha. I'm right at that point where there's a lot of dead going on, but it's not quite ready to drop. So...
  2. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    Yep. I just made a bunch of nutrient changes and this plant unfortunately was at the mercy of my first run. I've been scaling back. The AutoUltimate after this looks fantastic, but I still seem to be running into some sort of deficiency/lockout at the very end of the grow. I feel like I'm...
  3. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || Sweet Seeds Dark(er) Devil : Canna Terra Pro+ : XGS-190 : Arcadia D3 12% UV-B

    I water every night. But I've cut back on the amount the past few days. The Canna Terra Pro+ is kinda testy/finnicky. It's been drier and she's straightened out. This is my second grow with the CTP+ so I'm still adjusting.
  4. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || Sweet Seeds Dark(er) Devil : Canna Terra Pro+ : XGS-190 : Arcadia D3 12% UV-B

    I can see this is how my journals are going to go. Day 7 I'll take the sprout pics, Day 15 midway Vegetative pics, 25 Flowering, 30, 35, etc. until the Finale. Well here's the Day 15 pics. The sprout looked unremarkable in terms of size, but I mean that in a good way. It has progressed nicely...
  5. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Everything has been going quite smooth with this grow. *Knocks on wood*. Don't wanna tempt the gods on that one. But, it's the truth. I think her bud growth slowed just a bit, but she is still developing nicely. The yellowing seems to have slowed as well, which is making me think she may go even...
  6. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || Sweet Seeds Dark(er) Devil : Canna Terra Pro+ : XGS-190 : Arcadia D3 12% UV-B

    Please feel free to ask any questions you may have concerning this grow. Thanks for looking! Gotta keep chuggin out the cannabis. Spreadin the goodness... My last night of cutting my previous grow (NLxBB) I paper towel and plate up a bean of my choosing to transition right into my next grow...
  7. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Day 6T Whew I'm beat from cutting the NLxBB, but I'm still pumped up because this lady is lookin' so busty and fine. Having staggered grows is nice...just as one is finishing the next is getting interesting. I'm really happy I decided to finish with my reworked/scaled back feeding schedule...
  8. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    I am very happy with how this plant is progressing. I'm already dreading having to cut this baby because I can tell it's going to be a chore. But, usually the shittiest cuts are the best harvests. My biggest plant ever was an Auto Candy Kush...I swear the cola alone took me like 3 hours to trim...
  9. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    Harvest Night's late but I got a start on the cutting. Thought I'd at least throw up a pick of one freshly trimmed. Smells great, feels dense and sticky. Actually, so far the bud is exceeding my expectations and I'm very excited for this to dry and cure. I'll keep it short. Thanks to...
  10. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    The Grand Finale - Day 75 it is guy/ladies...This will likely be the last update before harvest. I'm almost positive I'll start cutting tomorrow night. I always get this odd tinge of nostalgia when harvest time comes. Autoflowers really are perfect for me as 75 days still seems like...
  11. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Half Way To Hundred Got started on this one late... Had to raise the light a few more times than expected. She's nice and tall...but not too tall. Still just downright pretty to look at. Make sure to check the bud sites in these pics too...cuz she is stacked from top to bottom. I don't know as...
  12. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    You ain't shittin buddy... it makes a transition over like five days where you'd swear it isn't even the same plant. The leaves go from tear drops (Indica) to those thin fingered hands (Sativa) in less than a week. Nuts.
  13. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Day Forty5 Evening dude/ladies... I am pretty psyched with how she's growing thus far. This is probably the most attractive plant I've ever grown. I'm sad that she took a bit of burn in transition, but what's done is done. She still looks great. Loving Dutch Passion ... Looking very hard at a...
  14. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    Day SixtyFive Hola guy/ladies... I hate it when the plant looks like this. I remember my first grow, panicking like crazy when leaves started dying...not realizing that it's just part of the plant's life cycle. The bottom half of her is still pretty damn green though, and the stems still look...
  15. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Dirty...Forty This grow is going by fast. My other grow is further along, so I've been focusing on her primarily. It's funny how some grows seem to crawl, while other fly by. Maybe it's just me though. Regardless, I couldn't believe I was already finishing up with the Bud Ignitor and that this...
  16. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    Dia Sesenta || Day Sixty I think the smell might be my favorite part of cannabis and growing it. I can't comprehend it when a person doesn't like it. I always wonder what it was like for the firstdude ever that came upon a cannabis plant. He must have known that something good could be done...
  17. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    Thrive Till 35 Much like a chef, the satisfaction of growing is just as much about others enjoying your plants and buds. I take great pride in my Cannabis and I am certainly my biggest critic. "Satisfaction is the death of desire" Very few people that smoke my weed know that I grow it, so when...
  18. DirtyN0rth

    DirtyN0rth || DP AutoUltimate || Indoor || Canna Terra Pro+ || XGS-190 LED || Arcadia D3+ 12% UV-B

    One Month's been thirty days. Kinda funny she lined right up with the days of August, but that'll be shot in a couple of days. Despite being a bit smaller than I expected, I really love the way this plant is growing. It's the perfect hybrid (IMO) ... SatIndica let's say haha. But yeah...
  19. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    Here She Be... Day 50 Well...the first "half" of the lady got a UV-B bath last night. I watched it click on at 3:30AM and an associate double-checked it at 6:30AM and it was still crankin out rays. It was still facing towards the middle of the tent tonight so my cardboard "splint" worked out...
  20. DirtyN0rth

    DN's World of Seeds Northern Lights x Big Bud Grow - Soil - LED - Area 51 XGS-190

    Pre-Update for Tomorrow's Update Whoo! The Arcadia D3+ UV-B will fire up for the first time tonight at 3:30AM and run until 9:30AM. I'm sure it works but I'll check tonight and again in the morning just to be positive. I'd hate to find out that it wasn't actually running because I didn't flip...