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  1. jknight4652


  2. jknight4652

    Ash as a fertilizer????

    so i have run into a few problem and i have looked around about spreading ashes from a fire place around the plant... just wondering if anyone has done it? or heard of doing it?.. the place i found it at never said what type of plants he was useing it on... a few replies said in order for ash to...
  3. jknight4652


    how do i post thumbnails... or is photobucket safe to use on this site?
  4. jknight4652


    I resently started my grow and i have some seedlings that are about close to a month old and im starting to see brown spots and yellow leaves. The PH levels and all at 7, there are all is different pots and where just also transplants into there new pots ill they are biggers and i know the sexs...
  5. jknight4652

    2nd Grow And All Have Problems

    also i didnt mention they were transformed into there pots jan 19...mlk day ...they were not like that the day of the transfor
  6. jknight4652

    2nd Grow And All Have Problems

    .10, .08 and .06 is the nutes in the medium i am useing... im trying to add a thumb nail pics but i cant figure out how to do it... i have a photo bucket account .. is that safe to use? ... and with them being and lil less than a month old is it ok to start with some nutes? and how in the hell...
  7. jknight4652

    2nd Grow And All Have Problems

    no nutes right now... i lost my calender of my last it ok to give them nutes now? temp is at 85 but a very low humidly around 10-20&
  8. jknight4652

    2nd Grow And All Have Problems

    I resently started my grow and i have some seedlings that are about close to a month old and im starting to see brown spots and yellow leaves. The PH levels and all at 7, there are all is different pots and where just also transplants into there new pots ill they are biggers and i know the sexs...
  9. jknight4652

    Hiding a grow room from parents PLZ HELP

    i use a 6ftx3ftx2ft metal cabinet..stripped the inside then make a wood skeleton inside for lights and fans..doors lock...i have key...the only thing outside is the timers and on either side xbox 360 fans intake/exhaust...light tight ..but when you build a room idea...(2 people...
  10. jknight4652

    T-5, T-8, T-12....Whats the difference?

    sun system lighting has a 24in ballast for about 115.00 and you got 4 free lights... if you can find that deal i would think about getting it ... 4 blue for veg...1 blue and 3 red for flower...i used it and nutes on my first grow and got 12 grams about drying/curing and i learned alot
  11. jknight4652

    does reflective mylar really work?

    thanks guys i figured the mylar was going to look at lowes tomorrow
  12. jknight4652

    does reflective mylar really work?

    i have a 6ftx18inx3ft metal cabinet and i have put the mylar in it but i have taken it down 3 times to move some thing around and im looking at adding 3 cfl lights about half way down mounted on the 2x4 skeleton inside...and i have enough to put back in there ..buts its a pain in the ass to with...
  13. jknight4652

    so mad ... had to vent

    after lots of looking around im thinking of installing a few sockets into my grow cabinet along with the t5 im all about keeping this thread going....
  14. jknight4652

    trimming and topping during veg?

    thanks man i will top these also when it gets time
  15. jknight4652

    trimming and topping during veg?

    i recently just started my 2nd grow and like my first one i topped and trimmed a good bit as the plant grew(i was thinking it would help the energy and nute to help with height:bigjoint:)... my new guys are now seedlings and the others are just breaking ground. I was wondering if i didnt top...
  16. jknight4652

    so mad ... had to vent

    nice buds man ... and its does look like a christmas many watts pure bulb? looking at growing to my grow store today and get a 125w cfl for about 20 bucks the lady said it had a built in ballast and an 8ft cord i was gunna add that in to my cabinet when the new guys get ready to...
  17. jknight4652

    so mad ... had to vent

    lol nah no anger management i have actually looked into adding a 125 w cfl to add to the lights on the next grow
  18. jknight4652

    mad...just had to vent

    i did actually try some of it today its quite girl friend says it has a fruity type taste to it .. and i also think down to it Im pretty pleased with the product i have already start some new bag weed seeds, which is what i did last time for my first grow and also recently...
  19. jknight4652

    mad...just had to vent

    oh the avatar thing is a pic of my first grow that was just that is a lil bit of a look at what i produced
  20. jknight4652

    mad...just had to vent

    i was looking at and saw a 400 watt hps bulb for 20 bucks...says for indoor use and indoor you think that mean i could use it in say maybe a lamp...but i would need a ballast to get all 400w correct?...or would i need the whole deal?