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  1. backyardwarrior

    problems...please take a look

    Lots of sun its over 100 everyday here. Il try the defoliation and il look for sos
  2. backyardwarrior

    problems...please take a look

    Still looking for could be both
  3. backyardwarrior

    problems...please take a look

    Im trying to move this to plant problem forum but dont kno how
  4. backyardwarrior

    problems...please take a look

    My bagseed plants look bad. Outdoor in ffof soil no nutes except dyna grow once a week or so. Looks like i have bugs but i work so much i hardly get to check on.em. any ideas guys? I have dying leaves. White spots black spots and its frustrating
  5. backyardwarrior

    weird coloring help

    Weird coloration on my leaves. Any idea? Bagseed outdoor ffof just tap water and dyna grow once a week or so
  6. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    At this point i dont know the true problem or cause. Il take a pic inthe morning when the limp is bad before i do anything
  7. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    The ones goin limp are all cookie bagseed
  8. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    It felt kinda light i just cant imagine them needing water daily
  9. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    Went out this morning...plant tops leaning over like crazy. Gave water and 10 mins later happy again. Maybe time to repot? If so how do u even repot a plant already in a 15gal pot?
  10. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    Yea i dont use too much dynagrow don't wanna kill em. As far as the plants bein asleep idk it was only 2 of 8 that did it and they were really limp just at the tops
  11. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    I texted my buddy he said to flush. I went out n did and within 10 mins i went out to snap a pic n.theyr standing up again.
  12. backyardwarrior

    limp tops?

    I watered with a cap of dynagro last night. This morning two of my plants are limp. Any help?
  13. backyardwarrior

    rust coloration and limp tops

    Went out to check em this morning and the tops of some of my plants are goin limp. Not dry either. Ffof soil dynagro nutes only once a week. Also some leaves are turning rusty and yellow any help guys?
  14. backyardwarrior

    heat stress and shading

    I was told once the rootball hits 85 degrees they go into shock and try to survive instead of grow. In black plastic pots in full sun they get pretty dam hot here in cen cal
  15. backyardwarrior

    heat stress and shading

    I have a few plants out. All decent sized and fairly healthy. I had them in a spot where they were getting full sun from about noon til 7 and they seemed stressed and unhappy. I moved them to a spot were they get sun from sunup til about noon. Will this shading difference cause early flower?
  16. backyardwarrior

    whats the best way to make autoflowering seeds

    The seeds are everywhere online
  17. backyardwarrior

    help please

    This ffof soil holds water like crazy. The top dries fast tge bottom doesnt tho. Even with neem sprayings i cant seem to ditch the thrips and white flies. Also these tiny green grasshopper lookin things.
  18. backyardwarrior

    help please

    You sure they need nutes?
  19. backyardwarrior

    help please

    Some more shots. You can see the clones aren't as happy as the from seed plants
  20. backyardwarrior

    help please

    Not sure why my plants are yellowing out. They are clones yet different strains. My from seed plants arent doing this. Ffof soil. Recently up potted about a week ago. Just tap water except a drop of dyna grow every now and again. And i spray with neem before nightfall a couple times a week.