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  1. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    You guys r so sexy with all your knowledge of marijuana growing it really makes me hot. lol ; )
  2. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    Thanks for all the advice guys. now all of you just send me a half of you're finest & I wont even have to worry about growing this jk.. But seriously thanks.. MUAHHH ; Pbongsmilie
  3. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    LOL thanks you this is helpful. I guess i will try walmart. or should i go to like hardware store. ill look online i suppose. Will my plants still live though if I dont replant them?
  4. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    Why doesn't my live chat work? Anyone know... :)

    When I click on it, it says internet explorer cannot display page. :) tokin...:leaf::weed::leaf:
  5. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    lol yeh i think so.. lmfao im high right now..
  6. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    Ok fine when do I need to upgrade my lighting? and where can I get a cheap one online that plugs in to regular light bulb socket.
  7. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    lmfao i just dont want them to die though ya know. and do you thinks this light n shit will work?
  8. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    Is replanting really necessary I mean I don't mind if their long if you know what I mean lol jk. But seriously I don't want to replant those bitches. cause i have finaly weened them off the support of straw. then after i replanted todat they got real limp so I had to put straws back up. btw i'm...
  9. Baby.girl.smokes.420

    1st time grower please look at my plants & tell me what i need to do. ; )

    Okay please don't make fun of them my first time grow. They are really long looking and windy the keep limpin like a limp dick and I have to use straws to support them. I just replanted them today. Some of the leaves look like yellowish and even like black spots on one. Not sure what that means...