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  1. kenneth nuorala

    When to feed

    Alaska fish fert
  2. kenneth nuorala

    When to feed

    Think these are better than green light
  3. kenneth nuorala

    When to feed

    Still trying to get use to using this site. Have pics of them in green light but don't give them justice though
  4. kenneth nuorala

    When to feed

    Lights will be on in 40min will take pics then there looking good no sign they need anything yet I think
  5. kenneth nuorala

    When to feed

    I'm using a ten gal pot fox farm and happy frog mix soil plants are 5 weeks when is a good time to start feeding
  6. kenneth nuorala

    When to feed

    I'm using a ten gal pot using fox farm and happy frog soil plants are 5 weeks when is a good time to start feeding them?
  7. kenneth nuorala

    second northern light

    second northern light
  8. kenneth nuorala

    do these look cloudey to anyone

    look cloudey
  9. kenneth nuorala

    First grow northern lights x big bud

    she is two and a half months
  10. kenneth nuorala

    First grow northern lights x big bud

    you should take a look at my northernlight
  11. kenneth nuorala

    First grow northern lights x big bud

    sorry trying to get the hang of this.. you only need two lights for now till it gets a little bigger
  12. kenneth nuorala

    northernlights autoflower almost ready

    ya next doing outdoor in the back yard
  13. kenneth nuorala

    northernlights autoflower almost ready

    easy not hard at all
  14. kenneth nuorala

    Gendering please help

    ya not much u can do with them unless you want seeds