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  1. G

    do you know if there is a guide as to what nutrients are good by strain?

    do you know if there is a guide as to what nutrients are good by strain?
  2. G

    ty yea i just figured that out i have then in one big tub, this weekend im going to to get 5...

    ty yea i just figured that out i have then in one big tub, this weekend im going to to get 5 gallon buckets for each plant
  3. G

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    i am growing some feminized seedlings to cultivate when the autos finish, i planned on doing the 18/6 light cycle when the fem seeds are placed in..i was hoping to be able to sex the random plant before...thank you for all the help
  4. G

    i would love some pointers i bought the zambeza seed auto flowering mix

    i would love some pointers i bought the zambeza seed auto flowering mix
  5. G

    im new myself too i havent added a friend yet, not sure how to do this

    im new myself too i havent added a friend yet, not sure how to do this
  6. G

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    It does not show either of these characteristics, although it does have two stems coming out of the central branch at each level, i have heard that this can be signs of a male plant (female ive heard have alternating patterns) Is there any truth to this myth?
  7. G

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    the plant i am trying to sex is not an auto, just a normal seed that I found
  8. G

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    thank you all for the responses! the reason im running a 24/0 hr light cycles is bc i have 6 autos also in the room (5x5x7 closet) for the first 2 months used a 250 MH now using a 250 HPS..should i upgrade to a 400 watt system? the plants have plenty of room in the closet. As far as autos would...
  9. G

    male or female preflower..need grow space

    is this a male or female? has been growing for 2 months.. would really appreciate the help thank you! "Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>
  10. G

    brown yellowing of new growth please help

    TY, the ppm is around ~800. After your advise I think i will set up a separate hydro for each plant and tinker with what each plant likes best. Any advice for first time with autoflowers?
  11. G

    brown yellowing of new growth please help

    yes! i used cal/mag as a foliar spray, i waited to turn on the lights until the leaves were dry. I guess ill wait longer...
  12. G

    brown yellowing of new growth please help

    first pic is old, second is new. I cant seem to find the sure. ive used cal/mag (4ml/gal) increased the nuts (aqua A&B 5.5/gal)..could someone please tell me how i can fix these I would be extremely grateful. The pH is bten 5.5-6. I also added liquid karma 5ml/gal
  13. G

    Any thoughts would be great leaves turning yellow and getting brown spots and tips

    thanks for the quick reply! ph is 5.5, how can i check the ppm? i have a hydroponic store near by that i can go to. On another forum i was told that this could be a CaMg issue? what do you guys think? Ive been using nutrients from the start, should i try to lower the nutrients? Im affraid it...
  14. G

    Any thoughts would be great leaves turning yellow and getting brown spots and tips

    leaves are turning yellow and getting brown spots & tips of leaves are turning yellow, nut changed once a week...could this be a low nut problem or over nutrients? The following nutrients were added per gall x3 = 3 gall. Aquaflakes A & B: 3 ml Nitroboost 0.3 ml Multizen 2.5 ml liquid karma 4...
  15. G

    Browning of leave edges, yellow-green leaf color with spots, and loss of vitality?

    After a recent bout with PM my plants began to brown at the edges and the leaves changed from a vibrant green to green/yellow color and have lost their vitality. After I sprayed with organic plant fungicide every third day (x2) for 6 days I transplanted the plants from a humidity dome to a DWC...