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  1. G

    Greenleaf Medicinals - Latest Approved LP

    Yes, we apologize for that. We weren't expecting to be live on the Health Canada site as quickly as we were. Those strains that were showing for the first day were meant to be place holders used for testing purposes. I apologize again to the people who saw that before our webmaster had time to...
  2. G

    Greenleaf Medicinals - Latest Approved LP

    Our prices wont change, or if they do it will be downward as we realize more efficient ways of operating. We felt that $5/gram is a reasonable starting price for us and our customers.
  3. G

    Greenleaf Medicinals - Latest Approved LP

    Hi WHATFG, I work for Greenleaf Medicinals, and I'd like to say we apologize for the lack of detailed information we have on our website at the moment. We have over 30 strains at the moment but we still aren't sure which ones we are going to grow first, or they will be of high enough quality to...