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  1. R

    400 watt 2.5x2.5x5 bubbleicious and freebie grow

    Thanks crack! How wer your yeilds/smoke....very interested in this strain ive read so many great things....did u have alot of variability from seed to seed? What kinda flower times wer u gettin?
  2. R

    400 watt 2.5x2.5x5 bubbleicious and freebie grow

    Did a dry run in my room best temp ive had is 86:( would like it to be around 80....guna make a few changes
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    Blue Mystic - DWC - Closet Grow

    Sweet ill probly grab that one eventually thanks guys
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    Blue Mystic - DWC - Closet Grow

    Chillin amax good to see ur movin along.....thats the ph meter i was lookin at i guess ill have to see how u like it an maybe ill grab one....for now its the good ol pool test kit haha got me thru one grow should be fine for another:) postin up some new pics inmy journal tnight u should...
  5. R

    400 watt 2.5x2.5x5 bubbleicious and freebie grow

    All i can say is holy crap haha:) put chloramine remover in my bubble bucket with the original two bubbs an theyr roots exploded. Grew more in one day than they have in two weeks. Its like i flipped a switch:)....this has been killing me lately an an its been an unbeleivably slow start but now...
  6. R

    JayJammer'z 400w MH/HPS Ebb/Flow closet grow

    Sweet i feel like thats the only part of my grow room im never happy with is the seal around the door.....always worried about it bein light tight....right now im usin full velco all the way around then a second flap over that wit velcro.....right now im workin wit bubbleicious an about 10...
  7. R

    JayJammer'z 400w MH/HPS Ebb/Flow closet grow

    Sweet lookin good! How did u make that zipper door? Sow it on?......seedlings are lookin great mine are about the same an i got 6 more nirvana freebies in jiffy starters waitin to sprout:) -RR
  8. R

    Blue Mystic - DWC - Closet Grow

    What meters are you guys using i have no prob gettin one but if the more affordable ones arent worth i dunno if i will......jus not tryin to spend a couple hundred on ppm an ph meters -RR
  9. R

    JayJammer'z 400w MH/HPS Ebb/Flow closet grow

    Sweet setup dude.. Ill def be followin this wer pretty much in the same point of out growing career an the same point in our grow:) plan is to grow mothers an clone them simply because once you see them all budded out an u have a particular favorite u can reproduce that plant super...
  10. R

    400 watt 2.5x2.5x5 bubbleicious and freebie grow

    Thanks guys....yea im using distilled water until i can get some growth goin.....also grabbed some chloramine remover from the fish store so ill try some of that once they get bigger. Hopefully it helps. Thanks J, should be a fun one for sure. Did u start urs yet? -RR
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    Blue Mystic - DWC - Closet Grow

    Subbed...thanks g
  12. R

    Blue Mystic - DWC - Closet Grow

    Patience is key to this hobby:) having similar problems i beleive are due to water quality in my area(first grow at my new place) had to start a bunch more seeds cause mine literally stopped growing:(....ill be around can somebody explain how i sub? An what exactly it means sorry ive been...
  13. R

    First Indoor grow: Lemmon Skunk

    Lol ive had the good fortune of being able to smoke many different medical quality strain:) if ur an all day smoker like me its guna take u awhile to get used to it one hit will put u on ur ass if ur not used to these high potency strains...... As for ur big bush idea....YES do it but read up...
  14. R

    First Indoor grow: Lemmon Skunk
  15. R

    First Indoor grow: Lemmon Skunk

    YEa ill throw up a link ina min.....few things....look into bubble cloners super simple an cheap....people on here usually get like 95% success rate or better jus water an bubbles:).....also cloning a budding plant is possible! Not as easy as a veg plant but hey build a bubble cloner an try one...
  16. R

    First Indoor grow: Lemmon Skunk

    Haha it is hard your right no bodys interested in my inch high seedlings waters shit guna have to go wit distilled....its got me rethinking my whole grow? I duno wish i had access to some clones:( -RR
  17. R

    First Indoor grow: Lemmon Skunk

    Thanks! far as training theres not much to know jus tying branches back can be very effective :) open them bitches up as much as possible get that light in there:) jelous of all ur strains i have bubbleicious an some freebies more soon tho...grows not goin great for me now ive...
  18. R

    First Indoor grow: Lemmon Skunk

    Hey great lookin plant you got there! Happy to see another first time 400 watter:) my second grow but first wit a 400, from what ive seen from some of the growers around riu we will be very happy wit our results...6-8oz isnt really a long shot even on ur first go from what ive should...
  19. R

    400 watt 2.5x2.5x5 bubbleicious and freebie grow

    This slow growth thing has been killin me just looked up the different chemical levels in the drinking water in my area .....turns out the chloramine levels average 2.7! Ive read this can be devistating to plants but ive also read that by the time it reaches the tap its very low:/.....anyone...
  20. R

    400 watt 2.5x2.5x5 bubbleicious and freebie grow

    I figured out the rep haha i got u