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  1. T

    Flood And Drain Question

    Thank you for the info. I think I have figured out a good timing. However I am not sure as to what my nute levels should be? I am going strait from freshly rooted clones into flowering with 4 different trays each with their own res. I know the 4th one will be just PH'd water however I am...
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    Flood And Drain Question

    I was thinking something about that. You use tge same time from just sprout to harvest?
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    Flood And Drain Question

    Ok, So I have started a hydroponics setup using the 'harvest every two weeks' as a guide and have my system ready. I have the 4 trays each eith their own res. I have 9 7" pots in each. I will be doing the sog and putting strait from clone into flower. My question is what should my water...
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    New Inline Fan

    Hey guys! This is my new Fan I got for my room. Filter hooked up, and seemed to work great.
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    Noob Mistake! Death and Stunned

    I have flushed the one, and yes, i severely overwatered them at first. I have learned. Haha. I am using miracle grow for soil. However i am looking into other mixes.
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    Noob Mistake! Death and Stunned

    They were both over watered with nutes which is why the one isn't growing I assume. And the one that died, was fine one minute and withen two hours was like that. But I REALLY overwatered them with nutes at first.
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    Noob Mistake! Death and Stunned

    Ya I know now, wait till round leaves fall off, then start mutes at 1/4 of the label. Haha.
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    Noob Mistake! Death and Stunned

    Well, I killed one and stunted another. My first 2 and I gave them nutes right away. Bad idea! Haha. The one is now dead and the other is stunted. Its sad when my other 4 are a week younger at just a week and twice as big as the one that is bout 2 weeks. Haha. Live and we learn.
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    My Babies. First Grow!

    Thanks guys! Ya i wish i could fast forward haha. They are only 5 days from sprout. And 1-2 are about 8 days.
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    My Babies. First Grow!

    Hello everyone. This is my first grow. And after a noob mistake with my BS 1n2 I think I'm getting it right with my BS 3-6. :-) here are some pics, let me know what you guys think! :-)
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    Mold? First grow, noob here

    Ya it was tape water that was ph balanced. It is only 6 days old from sprout, I looked for bugs but didn't see anything.
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    Mold? First grow, noob here

    Some water does splash yes, they are under 4 CFL's right now. They are in a tote with two fans for circulation. I had started with nutes, however caught myself and flushed immediately and now I am just using phd water.
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    Mold? First grow, noob here

    Anybody? I'm not really worried, however just trying to figure out if I should worry
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    Mold? First grow, noob here

    OK so this is ,y first grow and I started seeing small white spots. I'm not sure what they are. Helppppp Pleaseeeee.
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    New Carbon Filter

    This is my new Carbon Filter that I made. Cost me bout $18 for everything. What do you guys think? I know, some people believe in cost-effect ratio, however this has been working for my friend for years and I figured before I dropped some cash on a filter, I'd try this one. I have a high flow...
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    Nutes burn? Heat burn? Noob here

    Mk :-) thank you urgod, you have helped me out a lot! In the past day or so. And I'm sure there will be some in the future as well. So thank you. :-)
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    Nutes burn? Heat burn? Noob here

    OK. Haha typical noob mistake. Haha. Its a good thing these are my bag seeds and not my lemon Diesel or one of my widows. Haha. So when I do start using nutes, would I start at week one? Or start at week 2-3 depending on when they fall off?
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    Nutes burn? Heat burn? Noob here

    Noooooooooo! Flushing as I type! :( can they be saved? When should I use nutes? I have grow big, big bloom, and tiger bloom.
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    Nutes burn? Heat burn? Noob here

    I have been following the fox farm chart and have the small amount of big bloom for nutes. I have been watering in a 3 day cycle, 1 nutes, 2 ph water(6.8), and 3 let dry. Then repeat. And when I water I use a measuring cup with a pour lip, however every now and then it splashes, thus with...
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    Nutes burn? Heat burn? Noob here

    Hello, Here are some pics of my seedlings. I am following the same watering cycle for each one, the one as of today has brown on its tips, the other is doing good as far as I know along with the 4 small ones. My question is what could cause the one to have its leaves turn color? It is...