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  1. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    ok bro sounds good ima go ahead and order that then man and see from there i plan on veggin for another 2 weeks max my plant is about 2 feet tall as we speak i probley wont use any vinagar or BS but i was just sayng what i heard, thank you for your help man the other thing i wanted to ask you is...
  2. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    na man i hear ya on that, i dont think your a dick all you guys been very heplful... ill try n get my hands on one by xmas but for now ima get that ph kit and test my water and go from there dude, and your right and seems like you have alot of experience with this type of shizz-nat. and if need...
  3. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    sweet thanks well i was thinkin of gettin this off amazon will this ph kit work? also i dont got $80-100 bucks to spend on a EC/PPM meter also i heard that using vinager to lower your ph and baking...
  4. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    ok so i wont repot my plant, and yes i have tested my ph but im currently using ph strips for a fish tank i assume it will read the same thing right? or should i buy a water ph kit and stop using the fish tank ph kit? it could probley be my ph this whole time cause i havent fed my plant at all...
  5. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    well when i did watered her the moister meter that i got told me it was it was moist so i went ahead and watered her, a decent about of run off came out, also i dont have any other pot to put her in, and the pot she was in before i transplanted her was showing signs of "root-bound" so thats why...
  6. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    ok well what would you recommend me doing? should i remove the bad leaves? i just dont want my baby girl to die ya know i dont know what to do at this point
  7. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    really? thats odd cause i havent feed my plants at all, unless the ferts that are in the soil other than that i just been giving her water man, should i cut off the leaves that are bad? any thing eles man...
  8. R

    please help why are my leaves curing down n turnig a dark green (PICS)!!!!!

    hi guys im currently growing some AK47 and the size pot i have is a 5gal and the soil im using is fox farm ocean forest, please help me out i dont know why my leaves are curling down and turning a weird green color also feels dry to the touch, i watered her yesterday and the ph was around 6.8...
  9. R

    Leaf tips brown and Curling up n shriveled Please help!!!!

    Overwatering lol no man thats not my problem, my tips of the leaves are brown idk how to describe it more i cant get to a pic at work rite now, any Other ides i kno for a fact im not Overwatering lolol.
  10. R

    Leaf tips brown and Curling up n shriveled Please help!!!!

    hi guys im growing sum ak-47 and the soil im using is fox farm ocean forest, and i got a few concerns about my plant, some of the older leave tips are begging to turn brown even on the new Leaf growth, i havent gave ANY ferts to my plant other than whats in FFOF soil i dont know what could be...