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  1. N

    dried burnt leaves, new growth

    Yes as I said, I have already done this. But the very top of the plant, where the very newest growth is, is lightly burnt at the tips, would it be best to top it to allow new growth to form, or just leave it be?
  2. N

    dried burnt leaves, new growth

    Come on, for gods sake someone must know? Should I top the plant at the area of burnt new growth or will it grow back unaffected?
  3. N

    dried burnt leaves, new growth

    Its not that young, the leaves below are fine, its just from the top of the plant to about 2 inches down, there are practically no leaves, and the centre growth at the very apex of the plant is burned. What I'm asking is will this part continue to grow, or would I be better to just top the plant...
  4. N

    dried burnt leaves, new growth

    I checked on one of my smaller plants today (bout 8"), and the top leaves, including most new growth, has been heavily burned by heat/light, so I decided to remove all the burnt leaves. I have resolved the heat/light issue so don't reply saying 'you need to raise the lights' 'get better...
  5. N

    Severe Drooping think theyre gonna DIE!!

    Thanks man. They were root bound, repotted em both today, should be fine I hope. The roots just needed to be untangled, they were so tightly stuck together in the root ball they couldnt grow. Shame you lost one before you could fix it, hope the buds you got from it at least get you high man
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    Severe Drooping think theyre gonna DIE!!

    At least you got something off em...if mine die all I'll have left is a bunch of dried up you have any idea as to what caused it?
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    Severe Drooping think theyre gonna DIE!!

    Sorry to hear that. Did the drooping just continue to get worse until it died? Mine were really healthy like one day ago, I dont see what the problem is. So you transplanted and it recovered? Do you know what the problem was, did you change the soil mix in your new pot? Im thinking Ill go out...
  8. N

    Severe Drooping think theyre gonna DIE!!

    Its definately not overwatering, or under for that matter. It doesn't droop like overwatering anyway, the lower leaves are a LOT more heavily affected than the the higher leaves, and one plant is noticably worse than the other in near enough identical conditions. The ph has been the same all the...
  9. N

    Severe Drooping think theyre gonna DIE!!

    My plants are about 6 weeks into veg, just starting day 1 of flowering today. Left them in darkness for 30 hours prior to beginning 12/12. When I checked on them today the lower leaves on both of them were SEVERELY drooping, and on one the largest fan leaves were also severely drooping. It is...
  10. N

    Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!

    Out of interest how long did you veg for? I too am doing my first grow and I'm using cfls, although I just have one big 250watt one, what is the name of the black fixture wire thing that you plug the bulbs into called, and also the 'Y' shaped white light thingys that allow you connect two bulbs...
  11. N

    Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!

    BTW, how old are your plants from seed in the last pics?
  12. N

    Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!

    They look great, I cant believe this all just is off some small cfls, I can't wait until I start my flowering cycle I'm so impatient with the veg period.
  13. N

    Fuck bad transplant!! Will it die??

    It seems fine now, I didn't lose too much root, I just noticed a bit left in the old pot, it appears to have recovered without any problems, noticed some growth since yesterday and it looks just as healthy as before so should be OK
  14. N

    Fuck bad transplant!! Will it die??

    Cheers, glad to hear that...didnt want it to die this early it was my most promising looking plant as well. How much did it set back its growth before it was back to normal?
  15. N

    Fuck bad transplant!! Will it die??

    I just transplanted, the are about 11 days old, and I accidently lost some roots in the process, will they be OK?? I watered them well after, I didnt lose too much, maybe an inch of root, the main root is still intact. Please tell me it will survive
  16. N

    Soil PH wont change??

    all ive done is add a tiny amount of lemon juice to my water nothing else, I just wanted to be sure that alkaline soil wont fuck them up until I can transplant them
  17. N

    Soil PH wont change??

    i have tested the soil PH, and as i said its alkaline, I am not sure about adding more elements to the soil as I dont want to damage the roots when i mix in ingredients, I figured the best idea would be to just wait until they are large enough to transplant and create a better soil mix for the...
  18. N

    Soil PH wont change??

    no the plants are fine, bar one but I dont think its to do with the PH, I dont have a camera so I cant take pics, the meter does work as the bottled water was slightly alkaline and after I added lemon juice it went slightly acidic, I watered them with this acidic water but the PH of the soil...
  19. N

    Soil PH wont change??

    I tested my soil PH and it was heavily alkaline, (probably due to the water I used) I tried to remedy this by watering with bottled water water mixed with a small amount of lemon juice until it was slightly acidic, however it has made little to no difference. Any suggestions apart from changing...
  20. N

    Interrupting/Changing Dark Period in Veg??

    yes but my grow area is not completely lightproof yet, i was planning to sort that out during flowering, so will it harm the growing process during veg if some light does enter the grow room, will it stress the plants?