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  1. L

    My harvest is drying and it smells like hay,,why?

    can anyone tell my why my harves smells like hay? been drying for a few days now. is that normal or did i do something wrong?
  2. L

    Advice about seeds

    my first grow didn't go so well. i'm going to give it another shot indoors. i'm thinking of something compace and easy. looking into the rubbermade grow box plans. i'm wondering what type of seed would work best with this type of set up..dwarf, autoflower, stavia, incia..and where would you...
  3. L

    Ohhhhh Nooo..all males

    you guys are so awsome..thank you..had trouble posting here and in my panic search and tried other guys are top 100%. ne more well utill i give groqing a shot again then i'm sure there wqill be plenty do i know when the males are mature? they are hung like an...
  4. L

    growroom size can some1 plz help

    ohhhh..rubber made sounds like my speed. gave outdoor a chance this year and results were sad. I'm limited on space and finances but think i could swing something rubber made size. have been researching designes but all have been pretty big. if anyone has any design plans for rubber made i woudl...
  5. L

    Ohhhhh Nooo..all males

    hey all gave growing my first shot..and of course as murphy would have it..i have all males. heard that all may not be lost and i could use them for hash or edibals. any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated..also when should i "harvest them" thanks all in adveance peace
  6. L

    Auto-Flowering plants

    thanks all for the advice...was thinking of giveing the joint doctors diesel ryder..farel2 what do you do about set up and temp?
  7. L

    Auto-Flowering plants

    hey all.. first time grower and have beentold for small indor grow an auto flowering plant is my best bet. now heres the bigg noob question....what exactly does auto flowering mean? do i still need to keep in on a light cycle? thanks in advance for any input.. peace
  8. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    have a great day folk..time to head out.. peace
  9. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    i agree miss..guess just a matter of what we are use to and comfortable with
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    ahhhh..i'm so board..whats everyone doin today
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    ohhh the way you think will haveto try that next..the lawn will never lack for mowin that would be guarenteed
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    well....not sure if it was ment for beer..but it does fit nicely
  13. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    We have a John Deere mower .. I need a cupholder .. it definitly is a nice addition
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Riding mower with a cup holder? I push mow ............ yes..big yard lots of hill and dales..and pure laziness lol
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    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    *frowns* all i get is the coffee
  16. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    lol if it wasn't for the blower i would sweat myself right into a heart attack
  17. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    just bought this place here..never had property many plans and thats definitly near the top
  18. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    fluffy and powdery here as well..thank g-d..otherwise would still be out there
  19. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    looks to be about the same as we have...i can't wait for winter to be finished..rather use the mower than the snow
  20. L

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    mornin all..everyone dug out who had snow?