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  1. smokie1411

    Autoflower Plants Light Cycle 16/8

    Hi all, I have my big budda s.a.s autoflowers on 16/8 light cycle they seem to be growing good but is the light cycle o.k for autos? My next grow i was going to do this the whole way though. thanks Smokiebongsmilie
  2. smokie1411

    Newbie Help with Lights / Light Cycle

    O.k mate thanks, They seem to have exploded with growth in the last 5 days they have been on 16/8 so i think they might be allright. I got some small fans but im alight sleeper so its a bit of a nightmare
  3. smokie1411

    Newbie Help with Lights / Light Cycle

    Cheers mate, they have started to flower and are doing well, I would prefer to put them on a 12/12 but didnt know if autos need'ed more light? they have about 4 weeks left do uou recon i could start a 12/12 now (would get me a few more hours sleep lol)
  4. smokie1411

    Newbie Help with Lights / Light Cycle

    Cheers mate the all small/med size autos
  5. smokie1411

    Newbie Help with Lights / Light Cycle

    Hi all, I am growing auto flowers and was just wondering if they are o.k on a light cycle of 16/8 as they are in the same room i sleep and the fan noise is driving me mad, The other thing is how many plants can i grow in a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2.0 meter grow tent with a 600w hps? it has good light...
  6. smokie1411

    Newbie Help with Editing My Journal

    Hi all, Ive started my first journal and was just wondering how i edit it after ive published it. Thank Smokiebongsmilie
  7. smokie1411

    Newbie HELP

    O.k mate thanks, that was 89 with the tent doors open it gets real hot towards the end of the day hopefully the extra fan will help, Ill cut it down next feed see if that helps
  8. smokie1411

    Newbie HELP

    Cheers for looking mate, Are you counting the 1ml A, 1ML B AND 2ML Rhizo as = 4ml ?? what do you think i should cut it down to? the temp is flicking between 83 and 89 in the day and about 70 at night is that ok? i got and extra fan today to try cool it better in the day
  9. smokie1411

    *********uk newbie new group check it out **********

    He must be fogetting about us lot, Shall we put are address on there aswell fo the old bill lol
  10. smokie1411

    Newbie HELP

    Hi all, ive started a Journal on my page for my 1st grow and are running into problems with my plants:wall: if anyone can have a look and see if they know the problem thanks
  11. smokie1411

    Hello again mate, Ive started a Journal running into big problems:-( so can you have a butchers...

    Hello again mate, Ive started a Journal running into big problems:-( so can you have a butchers when you get a sec cheers Smokie
  12. smokie1411

    Newbie PLEASE HELP drooping branches

    Ive found that ive only need'ed to water them every other day so far but since they've been under the 600w they are dryin out more, The leafs did go abit droopy when i watered quite abit to start with. Here is yesterday and this morning photos there about 12 hours apart and you can see the...
  13. smokie1411

    Newbie PLEASE HELP drooping branches

    I was worried that might have over done it changing lights and repotting im hoping all will be ok there is a 5th little one thats not in the picture that i watered more by accident thats fine so hopefully its the watering, Im growing in canna coco i started with 1ml coco a&b today and 2ml of...
  14. smokie1411

    Newbie PLEASE HELP drooping branches

    Cheers mate, repoting went well think i may have not watered then enough on tranfer as last time i over watered, ive just given them a good water hopefully that will sort them out. They were under a 125 blue/red cfl before but after putting them in bigger pots it didbt cover them enough
  15. smokie1411

    Newbie PLEASE HELP drooping branches

    Hi all, HELP:wall: is my first grow they are 19 days old and every thing was going fine. Yesterday i repoted them into biger pots and started them off on the 600w light (ive kept in a good few feet away as advised) when i check this morning the bigger branches on all of them have drooped really...
  16. smokie1411

    1st grow leafs curling HELP

    Hi all, this is my first grow there 18 days old and ive just noticed that on two of the plants the leafs are slightly curled at the edges and feel dry, How do i sort this out?:wall:
  17. smokie1411

    2nd grow HELP which are the biggest yeilding autoflowers??????

    Hi all, I am looking at geting my 2nd lot of seeds but dont know which to go for, I want the biggest yeild as possible from 4-5 planted. My set up is a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 meter budda box tent with a 125w red/blue cfl to start with then 600w. who's got the biggest and from what?:lol:
  18. smokie1411

    2nd Grow HELP autoflower seeds which are the biggest yeilders???????

    Hi all, I am looking at geting my 2nd lot of seeds but dont know which to go for, I want the biggest yeild as possible from 4-5 planted. My set up is a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 meter budda box tent with a 125w red/blue cfl to start with then 600w. who's got the biggest and from what?:lol:
  19. smokie1411

    Newbie HELP with perlite going green

    Thank for the help was abit worried i had a serious problem, ill keep the fans going see if it help. Was just wondering aswell whens best to start the bigger 600w light there under a red/blue 125w cfl at the momoment but dont think there getting much light coverage is 14days to soon???
  20. smokie1411

    Newbie HELP with perlite going green

    Hi all, This is my first grow My plants are 16 days old ive just transfered them to bigger pots last week and think i may have over watered them. This morning ive just noticed the on the top of a few pots the perlite has started to go green the soil looks allright but am abit worried i have a...