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  1. S

    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    Also the LP's are challenging HC behind closed doors on lots of issues - but they are in a captured regulatory market and have to play within the system or risk losing their license all together. Groups like the CMCIA have been formed to exactly what you're describing - which is challenge HC,
  2. S

    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    Exactly. Well said. The LP's are not inherently evil or bad growers, HC has once again built a program that is designed to fail. The contempt Health Canada has for patients is disgusting. I lurk RIU a lot and its a crying shame to see so many passionate people focus their hate at the wrong place.
  3. S

    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    No LP has yet shipped in house product that "speaks" for itself, and they may never. Any of the LP's that shipped quality product - got it from the MMAR. The standards they have to meet require either irradiation, or early harvest. No amount of technique or skill will change the fact a plant...
  4. S

    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    I should clarify - many of the best "ex illegal" growers couldnt work with LP's because they were "known to police". I was more referring to the quote implying ex illegal growers produce bad pot. Many have brought on horticulturists as "master growers" who have no idea how to grow a crop like...
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    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    I dont mean to make light of your brain injury - but maybe you could ask your caregiver to proof read your responses so you can better participate in the discussion.
  6. S

    Update for Thunderbird Biomedical

    Health Canada doesnt "order" a LP to irradiate. They either pass or fail their internal QC checks, or likewise pass/fail a HC spot check. They then have 2 choices, destroy the crop or find another way to meet the required levels of the standard they chose to use when they applied, which in one...
  7. S

    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    Looks like a bunch of people are confusing Charter Rights with Court Precedent. The Mernaugh case ruled that HC only had to make Medical Cannabis available - it didnt have to make it easy or affordable. Justice Doherty ruled that non goverment participants in the program (doctors) don't have to...
  8. S

    My First Experience With an LP: Canna Farms

    April 1st was the date the MMAR was to be repealed. The MMPR was in effect for some time before that and producers were able to spin up if they were one of the lucky few. Also some were able to run MMAR/MMPR licenses in parallel, and many continue to do that to this day (because of the...
  9. S

    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    This. Tilray has yet to ship product produced in house. They managed to "aquire" large quantities of Cannabis grown under the MMAR and squeeze it through the testing process with some fancy footwork. They have now set the bar very high and are going to have a hard time meeting expectations when...