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    Oxycontin is now a problem for Rona Ambrose

    Her comments about the election in the context of the drug approval process are unbelievably crass.
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    MedPot Now Danger!

    Saw that go down. Shame to see that kind of discussion taken so far in a public forum - but IMHO calling someone a criminal on twitter probs isnt the best thing for anyone in this industry. Also if you were to go about putting someone to task for a perceived shortcoming - using the same breath...
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    That would have required HC to actually develop an intimate understanding of the plant, how to produce it, how patients use it and what constitutes "reasonable". HC , as it always has, did as little as possible to facilitate a smooth and sensible cannabis access program.
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    Yeah the AHP C.I. QC Monograph wasnt ready in time and was not on the list for LP's to use.
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    So much for maximum 150 gram carry.....

    Its really a matter of limiting by plant count for specific medical usage not being the right method. The 6 plant number is often cited as reasonably light recreation and medical usage. Functionally the only way I can think of to properly manage personal production if we assume that prohibition...
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    So much for maximum 150 gram carry.....

    Chris i don't believe I ever did any mudslinging our outright dismissed your opinion. I levelled clear rebuttals with factual information sourced as best I could, with my interpretations of their impact and possible standing. I actually tend to agree with you on many things, including medical...
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    So much for maximum 150 gram carry.....

    You're my boy Chris! *high five* The difference between the two of us is i quoted relevent court cases, with explanations of the interpretations. You quoted Mernaugh as a case supporting your opinion, when in fact the Mernaugh case set patient access back when he lost and the decision was rendered.
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    So much for maximum 150 gram carry.....

    Just gonna bring this back to the 150g question. The 150 gram personal possession limit as imposed by section 5(c) of the MMPR shall apply with respect to applicable licences as I was unconvinced that the Applicants would suffer irreparable harm as a result of the imposition of this limit...
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    So you're saying that all the previous decisions that have gone in our favour just have no force and effect? No. See above. What's your legal background? This industry. Are you a wannabe LP? No. Hows that?
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    *Facepalm* The previous decisions (Parker, Hitzig, JP, Baron, Long, Hall, Sfetkopulos, and Smith) all either created or expanded upon the scope of the MMAR. Each of these court decisions aside from parker ruled parts of the MMAR to be unconstitutional in their arbitrariness. At no point since...
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    Also like i've said before - its not a constitutional protection until its been fought for and won in court. If you would like to believe you have that protection - then by all means make an informed decision about your own civil disobedience and be ready to spend the time,research, and large...
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    You may but the courts don't.
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    As a side note - so many damn tinfoil hat wearing blow hards on RIU. Such a lost opportunity to have a good discussion here.
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    MMPR Licensed Producer Thread

    R V. Mernaugh did exactly the opposite of what you keep claiming. Justice Doherty stated in the legal argument to the decision: even were a person to have compelling evidence that all physicians were refusing to provide medical evidence of eligibility for exemption, the resulting inability of...
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    new documentary on Canadian cannabis

    *cough* *cough*
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    Update for Thunderbird Biomedical

    Yeah Colorado is a better example of a realistically regulated market that was able to spin up and meet demand reasonably - and even there they are having some supply issues.
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    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    Its really already in process with the Allard case.
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    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    This isnt Field of Dreams my man.
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    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    I wrote "Alien welcoming committee" on my bathroom door - still not sure why they havent shown up...........
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    Something smells fishy at Tilray

    You have to remember that it's a captured regulatory market. In order for an LP to have any sway with Health Canada they first have to be part of the program. And if they over step any boundaries in openly criticizing HC without any sense of due process they may lose their license. I am well...