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  1. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Beautiful fat purple buds, started under a 300w cfl and finished a 150w hps. 8wks veg and 8wks flower. I had pics on my old laptop but that went tits up so lost em.
  2. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Cheers Spud but I'm good. I've always grown different strains, some autos, some fems, some lucky dip. My favourite is probably Plemon (Breeders Boutique, she was savage but stank the house out. Even my mother in law smelled it and that was with a filter! It was an interesting conversation...
  3. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I was the same! More excited about the freebie than my order, lol! I've ordered from them twice, first freebie was OG Kush and the second was Skunk XL. Coincidentally they're the 2 I started this week! I was gonna start the AK47 but I've decided to wait till end of Dec for that, aiming to...
  4. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I'm all about sharing the love..... :eyesmoke:
  5. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Oooooooooh!!!! Gorilla is next on my shopping list, I can't wait to see how she turns out for you! Shipping will probably take about 2 weeks, just a heads up.
  6. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Royal Queen Seeds are 11% off today for 11/11, code: SINGLESDAY if anyone's interested.
  7. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    HA! Would never have thunk it. Sorted for now anyway have Plagron bricks.
  8. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Don't know about deals but I'm currently loving Royal Queen Seeds. The pics i posted yesterday are of their special queen 1, only €10.50 for 3 seeds. Most of the others are in the €20-€27 range for 3, plus free shipping and a free random seed for spends over €25. The more you spend, the more...
  9. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    A little lst with green ties and bendz clips, a little defoliation and I attempted to top but managed to fuck that up, ha! Not sure how, I topped the 5th set of leaves but for some reason the flowers on those nodes didn't take off. There was no growth for about a week and then it came on again...
  10. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Cheers @Naes! She was in the veg tent for 4 weeks, 8 weeks for flower.
  11. kit10

    Spuds Green Crack Grow

    Spliff - check! Popcorn - check! Cider - check! That's me sorted! Carry on.
  12. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    My RQS Special Queen. She has about another month to go, provisionally this date next month for the chop. Apologies for the HPS glow, can't be helped. I think she looks so pretty today (:
  13. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Had to look it up, sounds savage. TAXI!!!!!!
  14. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Nice.... what beans you got in there?
  15. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Whatcha mean could be, hah? I AM sound! So my mammy tells me :lol: Dose.... :|
  16. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    No online journals, I was without a computer for ages so I was keeping a handwritten journal for myself. I got the laptop a few weeks ago so since then I'm keeping my notes on a spreadsheet but I don't have a complete journal. I might start one here though for the latest grow... we'll see. Re...
  17. kit10

    Well I'm impressed! (Window growing)

    I saw someone comment on your status and I had to come see for myself. WOW!!! Just WOW!!!! bongsmilie
  18. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Jawb. Cheers for that! I assumed I'd have to set the ph but you'd imagine it would be stated on the instructions too. A complete noob might just chuck in water set at any level and then wonder what the hell is going wrong. Yeah I'll be adding some megacrop to the soaking water to give it...
  19. kit10

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    @ThatSpudGuy , can I pick your brain please about the coco bricks? So, according to the instructions I soak the bricks and set nutrient water to a ph of 5.5. My question is, do I soak the bricks in water that has also been set to 5.5? Ta... (:
  20. kit10

    Mega Crop Scrog grow

    Giggity. :hump: