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  1. SlowGrowRo

    Should I start flushing for harvest??

    It's my first grow, thanks for any help
  2. SlowGrowRo

    How's this bud look?

    Here's some more pics
  3. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

    Thanks for the extra info
  4. SlowGrowRo

    How's this bud look?

    Lol I can see them but with the mag I can't tell if they're cloudy or clear. I'm probably going blind lol
  5. SlowGrowRo

    How's this bud look?

    I have a 50x scope but i still cant see the trichs good im gonna get a better one though
  6. SlowGrowRo

    How's this bud look?

    Thank you
  7. SlowGrowRo

    How's this bud look?

    It's my first grow, the strain is iced widow, I'm in my 6th week of flower and I'm kinda unsure about how they look. I can't really see the trichs good with my mag. Any experts wanna give some advice? Thanks in advance
  8. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

    If anybody was wondering I think I know what happened. Before my plant started looking like this I had just fed it the day before and for some reason I put grow big in it instead of tiger bloom :wall: maybe because they're both green idk. Anyways thats what it was cause as soon as I change my...
  9. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

    T thanks I really appreciate the help
  10. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

    Thanks for all the help, Idk if this is possible but this little green light on my fan might be the reason they are doing this. I'm just wondering if this little light is making them think they're supposed to be awake
  11. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

    It's week 5 of my first grow I did 18-6, and you're gonna scold me but I don't check the ppm
  12. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

    Yeah they're in a tent but I'm positive it doesn't have a light leak. Could it be cause my fans too close to that plant?
  13. SlowGrowRo

    What's the matter with this plant?

  14. SlowGrowRo

    How's my first grow look?

    I know I was just trying to be safe and not over do it. 400w hps
  15. SlowGrowRo

    How's my first grow look?

    Thank you, I almost killed this girl when she first came and was gonna rip her out but I let her grow now look at her
  16. SlowGrowRo

    How's my first grow look?

    Thanks y'all I really appreciate it. I was scrogging every day but the footprint off my light isn't big enough so I didn't wanna widen the plant out anymore. I researched a whole lot on scrog technique and I know I should've done better but hey it's only my first grow lol
  17. SlowGrowRo

    How's my first grow look?

    First grow 3 weeks into flower.
  18. SlowGrowRo

    Please help! Is this a male?

    @NinjaMaster thanks, i wasted no time and just cut it down. I got 2 more strains that i know are females
  19. SlowGrowRo

    Please help! Is this a male?

  20. SlowGrowRo

    Does anybody have a Fox Farm Trio recipe they use? Info will be appreciated

    New to this forum. This is my first grow. I have a 4x4x7 tent with a 6" inline fan and carbon filter 350cfm. I'm using a 400w mh/hps light. For my first grow I'm just gonna grow 1 plant and see if I can get a good yield with help from my scrog. I've researched a lot of things and understand most...