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  1. KuntryKannabis

    Stress vs photosynthesis question

    Well thats the 1st thing i always check. Im just new to auto flowers. My runoff ph is 6.5. Solution mix was 6.3. Nute lockout dont begin till after 7. So cant be that.... Thanks for quick response tho
  2. KuntryKannabis

    Stress vs photosynthesis question

    So most def remove the leaves?? I have fed calimagic along with nutes and the have responded well tho there are still damaged leaves. But ikl only remove the ones that are severely damaged or severely small and damaged
  3. KuntryKannabis

    Quick opinion plz

    No hose or any spraying of any kind near by. In the country in the woods. Responded well to the feed and dose of calimagic 48 hours ago. Will pist pics soon but still damaged leaves. No idea what it could be.
  4. KuntryKannabis

    Stress vs photosynthesis question

    So apparently I believe I have a Calcium deficiency that has taken over about the bottom almost half of my largest plant witches Auto big bomb. My question is on the heavily damaged leaves do I leave them as they are or do I remove them with a clean razor? Is it better for them to use what...
  5. KuntryKannabis

    No response in outdoor so here is my girls

    Thanks bro. So do yall think this is calcium issue? I added calimagic to my solution today. Also light dose of beasti bloomz. Full dose of botanicare kind bloom for week 2 transition. And 1/2 dose of kelp me kelp you and drop of superthrive and adjusted to 6.3 and runoff was 6.5
  6. KuntryKannabis

    Quick opinion plz

    So here are my outdoor autoflowers. The first one and biggest is auto big bomb. My main concern is with this one. With today's feed of Botanicare kind bloom low dose of kelp me kelp you and also small dose of beastie bloomz I gave it calimagic to. Because I think I have a Calcium deficiency. Am...
  7. KuntryKannabis

    First auto grow, Advice and opinions please.

    Beautiful girls bro. Cant wait for mine to start looking like that lol im only on day 36
  8. KuntryKannabis

    No response in outdoor so here is my girls

    Thanks dandyrandy. I believe im havibg some calcium issues on my big bomb tho. I guess she loves cal mag. Here is recent pics. #1 big bomb #2 dark devil. #3 auto berry. Are dark devils always so stretchy?? Or do i need to do something different next time like sledge hammer. I figured the kelp me...
  9. KuntryKannabis

    No response in outdoor so here is my girls

    So I posted a thread in outdoor growing. But with no response at all. I'm or less using this as a grow Journal because I am an experienced grower but not with autoflowers. So I'm doing dark devil, Auto big bomb, and auto berry. Everything went well in the beginning. But I went on vacation around...
  10. KuntryKannabis

    Outdoor auto berry, auto dark devil & auto big bomb

    So I snapped my auto berry today trying to LST. Broke the main trunk about 3 inches from the soil... I taped it up, staked it for support and fed it super thrive in water about 6.3. The leafs look healthy and happy and stretching for the sun... but I bet I stressed it... passes me off. I know I...
  11. KuntryKannabis

    A little advice please

    All 3 and my nutes
  12. KuntryKannabis

    A little advice please

    1st set of pics is big bomb this set is dark devil 3rd is auto berry
  13. KuntryKannabis

    A little advice please

    Here are recent pics
  14. KuntryKannabis

    Outdoor auto berry, auto dark devil & auto big bomb

    No need to feed? My concern isn't necessarily what to feed. All due respect I totally appreciate your opinion. I was just wondering if these autoflowers should be further along in flowering at day 36. When transitioning over to flowering you're supposed to put half your usual vegetative...
  15. KuntryKannabis

    A little advice please

    I didn't mean to say bad news is kelp me kelp you I meant to say my vegetative nutes is kelp me kelp you
  16. KuntryKannabis

    A little advice please

    Can someone please help me out and let me know if my plants should be further along in flowering. I'm using Pro mix as a medium my bad news is kelp me kelp You by Bushmaster Fox Farm. My flowering nutes kind Bloom by Botanicare. I'm also using general hydroponics Cal Mag. A couple weeks ago I...
  17. KuntryKannabis

    Outdoor auto berry, auto dark devil & auto big bomb

    All my girls at 36 days old. Gave a light flower feed with cal mag last night for the1st time only cause when i mixed my veg nute"kelp me kelp you" withthe solution it dropped my ph to below 4. So i got to go get some ph up today. Will it be be fine to feed with a fu blendof nutes tomorrow once...