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  1. fuckinstupidnames

    Hello All!! Any From Ireland/N.Ireland here??!

    well hows it goin im from the south east here growin weed is great
  2. fuckinstupidnames

    Weed + School = ...?

    nope i thaught that aswel started smoking properly everyday since summer 2 years ago and all my school work went down hill,until i evetualy just stopped goin, i used to miss a school every week then it was 2 days and now im here talking about it,i fucked up my life because of weed but its fuckin...
  3. fuckinstupidnames

    growing in south east ireland

    hey people! i was wonderin if i stared to grow some weed in my bedroom this week would i be able to transport the plant to the outside without dieing,becauseim not realy sure if ireland is the greatest place to grow weed and id lve to try it! thanks