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  1. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    I'm a beginner myself man. What I would do is start a new thread asking the same questions you just asked here so you can get some expert advice. However, I am under the impression the only things discussed in the forums is how to care for your plants and assistance with things of that nature. A...
  2. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    I wouldn't advise about the tap root either, although, it has peeked my curiosity. I'll probably try it on a seedling on my next go round, and yes, bagseed is a term I picked up off of the forums for plain old seeds from a bag of anything. I am encountering my first issues. I think I am facing...
  3. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    I did state in a previous post that I added 150 ppm of Botanicare PowerPlant 3-1-4 and one of the seedlings showed nutrient burn on the ends of the leaf blades. Then, I changed the water only adding 100 ppm of nutrients. After the 100 ppm, I have only been topping off with plain old tap water...
  4. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    The way I started these seeds is as follows: 1. Put 6 seeds in a damp paper towel inside of a clear-plastic, sandwich bag. The plastic bag was placed above a lamp to add a little warmth. 2. As an experiment, after 2 days I soaked 10 other seeds in a cup of faucet water for 24-hrs to soften...
  5. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    Haha I'll break everything up in paragraph form from here on out, and you can refer to me as IHBW if that's cool. The funny thing about my brothers plants is that he is growing in a rather non-sterile environment yet the plants seem to be thriving. He is not controlling temp, humidity...
  6. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    Then congrats are in order for you as well. As far as knowledge, I like to read and conduct research on the internet. I downloaded a few books and have been cross-referencing different growers' techniques with others to find a common ground. I am finding that there are many different methods...
  7. I

    First Grow - Looking for suggestions and advice

    As the subject admits, this is my first grow but it has been a dream of mine since I read my first High Times almost 20 years ago. Anywho, all the sap aside I am growing in a closet garden. I soaked some bagseed for 24 hours and then planted them in pre-soaked rockwool cubes. Once they sprouted...