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  1. Gblink3

    4 plants in 1 pot...should i seperate?

    I've got three plants in one pot just like you do because it's my first grow and I only had one light and one pot available to start. Mine are each a foot and a half and fine the other one is a month younger and still growing 3 blade leaves. I worry a lot too but I figure by the time I...
  2. Gblink3

    Yellowing, drooping, and browned tips

    I use MG soil too I think it's just the soil burning the roots, my plants are and have never turned yellow, but I do have the brown tips. Don't worry about the two pod leaves those are supposed to die. Does the problem get more and more severe, or have they just changed and always looked the...
  3. Gblink3

    help finding lighting fixtures

    Lowe's sells simple lamps that hold up to 75 watts that come with a clip and reflector, they are meant to be lighting for outside work but make great grow lights, they're only 6$.
  4. Gblink3

    What are the hairs?

    They aren't buds, all plants have them I'm talking about the 4 little hairs that grow on the node's. If someone could post a picture of a plant that would be awesome so I could point it out.
  5. Gblink3

    can we clear something up!!

    oh yeah and when the pod leaves die, and the stems become strong is another good sign they aren't babies anymore.
  6. Gblink3

    can we clear something up!!

    I count the time until they show their first 5 blade leaves, and start growing inches a day as seedling time.
  7. Gblink3

    potting help

    that's not even something to worry about, chances are you could put them in less than a gallon of soil and have ample space chances are you'll harvest before they ever become root bound.
  8. Gblink3

    1st grow, about 4.5-5 weeks into veg.

    They look like they're doing good, once my plants got their first 5 blade leaf is when they really started taking off if it is the same strain you can expect a little less than a foot of growth in a week especially if you're still adding more light.
  9. Gblink3

    can u have seeds....?

    Seeds can happen anytime, don't underestimate the power of wind. I got shrooms growing with my weed and I haven't touched mushrooms in two years.
  10. Gblink3

    Seed Question

    Potency if genetically determined in the strain, but killing the male and properly taking care of the girl will increase how much bud you get. I have some bag seeds growing and they smell just like the weed they came from.
  11. Gblink3

    Picking off bud?

    The only reason I grow now is because I haven't left my house in months, I just moved here and ,literally don't know anybody.
  12. Gblink3

    Picking off bud?

    I'm almost out of smoke, I got like maybe twenty bowls left. My plants are over a foot and a half, if I start to flower them can I pick off buds to smoke as they grow or will it hurt?
  13. Gblink3

    Nute burn foliar feeding?

    I've sprayed them with pure water since then if that's what you're asking. My parents think I have the lighting too close, but I use CFL and I can touch them and feel no pain, and the other reason I think its a nutrient problem is that it's affecting all the leaves.
  14. Gblink3

    are darker seeds males?

    My old friends used to say the prettier a pattern and bigger a seed was the more likely it's a female which is completely untrue. The only thing you can tell from a seed is whether it is a mature seed or an under formed seed. A good mature seed will be large, dark, and most likely have a tiger...
  15. Gblink3

    Nute burn foliar feeding?

    Is it easy to burn a plant with spraying it with nutrient water? I sprayed mine about 2 days ago and now all the leaves including new growth has a small brown color at the tip of the leaves.
  16. Gblink3

    Little help with Nutes...

    I use miracle grow tomato food, never give any nutes to weed at what the bottle suggests always start at least a quarter of the strength the bottle says to mix.
  17. Gblink3

    WTF mushrooms in my shit?!

    So these are the same mushrooms that grow wild in most yards?
  18. Gblink3

    WTF mushrooms in my shit?!

    Has anyone had this happen I have three little mushrooms just starting in my pot, how the hell did they get there?
  19. Gblink3

    Fast Sexing

    any time just cut the lights to 12/12 this will shock your plant and only cause you to waste time in the long run.
  20. Gblink3

    Male clone from a Female mother?

    It is possible, but that still means in time the mom will just become one in the end too, did you treat the clones just like the mother with temp humid and light or do them in another room away from her?