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  1. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I like to give them some dark jury is still very much out on the importance of some dark time for sugar transfers etc
  2. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Well that is me free for three days, just dropped the wife off to work then she is off to London until Monday, just spun up a bud in the old grinder and now shall roll a big spliff happy fkn days :joint:
  3. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Sunmaster dual spec - no real veg time with the autos just 20 /4 - want to buy another light for the DP90 tent, which is why I was thinking LED but thinking I might just stick to a 400 again with a sunmaster in it - I reckon I can put the PD90 to far better use and could actually be better...
  4. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Smoked too much I would say, feels like a weed hangover so I had a spliff and coffee and feel slightly better, until I checked on the girls - oh that 600 is bright
  5. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Morning all - smashing headache :o
  6. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Think that is because I must have been really stoned as posted it in the UK thread. :hump:
  7. Sandgrouper

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Looking at the one listed by dutch passion. looks quality enough but you never really know I suppose, the profile and if it achieved similar to 400 hps I would be happy at the price. Sell the HPS ahhhaa don't think so bud :weed:
  8. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Greetings all. Girls are doing well, starting to up the nutrients, and put the first of the next lot of seed in, the next is Auto White Widow, so looking forward to that. No thoughts from anyone on the LED lights then? (earlier post)
  9. Sandgrouper

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Morning all. Posted this in another thread, any thoughts? Looking at going for a LED for a scrog instead of 600 HPS if you remove the replacement cost the gap is not as bad as it was. From what I am reading LED seems to have come on along way as well. Any thoughts on the below one...
  10. Sandgrouper

    Anyone tried Dutch Passion HighLite LED 006

    Looking at going for a LED for a scrog instead of 600 HPS if you remove the replacement cost the gap is not as bad as it was. From what I am reading LED seems to have come on along way as well. Any thoughts on the below one?
  11. Sandgrouper

    trouble germinating in rockwool/roots not growing out of cube

    It happens, don't stress over it. Patience and not screwing with their buzz has to be the single biggest technique for successful grows. Germination is greatly dependant on so many factors, from temp, humidity too strain dependant. I have some sativa seeds in at the moment which compared to...
  12. Sandgrouper

    MaxiBright DigiLight Pro Select - Driving 600 watt bulb from 250 to 660

    Hi all, I just bought a new ballast the MaxiBright DigiLight Pro Select. I am hearing conflicting information, does anyone have first hand experience with driving a 600 watt bulb from the 250 setting up to the 660 over lumen setting. Some say you have to put a bulb in that matches the watts...
  13. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    All right gents? @R3l@X was looking at those vape's in the shop the other day - look well built have to put one on the shopping list at some stage. Project idea - mount a scrog screen onto a water farm, that can go from prop tent to flower tent without hurting the poor bastard. Alternative...
  14. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Doubt there will be a sniff of a smell outside the tents or in the room, and ozone will kill off any want to be sneaky odours :weed:
  15. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Yea it is ..........
  16. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Evening all - few set up pics Have no idea what will be the best in terms of yield as yet, but can fit three ghe's in, was possible to fit 4 until turned the tent upside down, best option I could find to handle the amount of duct. Got a 400 in the cool tube at the moment, do have a 600 as...
  17. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Well all set up now, three autos all in their GHE water farm homes, got a 400 hps running in the DR 60 60x60 and the CFL prop light in the DP90 90x60 cool tube hooked up so two fans running now the S&P and the rhino thermostatic one Was not easy to get everything hooked up, may take some pics
  18. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    Naaa letting it sit had no effect, these things happen, at least I have water in the space :)
  19. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    I thought about it for a minute, just the logistics would do my nut in. Might just have to adapt and find a drum of some sort that will fit in the space, and do 20 or so at a time. What a pain :(
  20. Sandgrouper

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    G'day mates hows it going? Been flat out re doing the smallest room possible.... It was all so set up why did I think it could be better; phew epic* This super alkaline water issue has me annoyed, any one have some smart ass idea how to get around pH'ing all the water?