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  1. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    good for you,how about middleton 20,000 a bottle stuff,our conor McGregor likes it !!:eyesmoke:
  2. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    nope,poitin is the one ! careful tho, could go blind in that other eye from drinkin it,then your rightly fucked.. :-P
  3. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    sure is man,anything over 10,000e can get ya a ten year not 100% but I think they value every plant 800e clone or whatever,most of jaynourmous plants was clones 36,000 he said they put on it. hope your not in the slammer jay,be nice to know how ya got on !!
  4. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    how we all gettin on my irish compadres,time ta take off the tinfoil hat haha,have ta be on your guard in this kip 800e a plant 12 plants = 5 year in the slammer...fuck that. last time i said that was 10 year ago and didn drink alcahol nice idea man :clap: peace an happy growin...
  5. nidgy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    stop being so butthurt @zedd,over here its called puttin someone wide,! he made a security flaw and i told him. why would ya rather he wasnt told??? if it was me id be delighted someone pointed it out to me.!!! a while ago it was all over this thread when people joined the darknet,now your...
  6. nidgy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    everyone have a nice day now except you @zedd ya cunt.:P
  7. nidgy

    The UK Growers Thread!

    sup cunts .?! that was a serious shot of your finger prints careful fella !!!:wink:
  8. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    id say your good brother,be a cunt for them ta fuck up now ! one out me veg tent got flushed down the toilet today,dirty male,was sure it was gonna be female..ha never taught id have two tents on the go...sssshhhhh im a couple weeks behind you bro with the flowering tent,dippy elsie reeks ta...
  9. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    top of the mornin to ya,nah your plants be grand lad couple of days dark no prob.couldn see it affectin yield,could be the opposite. not long ta go now bro,ya wont feel it.! make sure set your light timer again,ya dont want more than twelve hours light....shitty weather,givein it too be worst...
  10. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thats an expensive fan dude,ya buy a whole grow kit for that...haha. no ya wont need a intake fan,just put a bit of ductin were ya would put the intake it will pull the air in itself,i have never used a intake fan !
  11. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    thank you bro,if it works ill have dog x fireballs and dog x deep blue x livers all female seeds... if the dog doesn hermie ill have a nice crop... ill trow up a pic of my flowering girls in a few days for ya,had to borrow a cam for that one,could only get a quick snap without the wife...
  12. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    not too sure man,think they mostly grow in tents.but a tower fan be ideal for your space. pink floyd,a man after me own heart...haha
  13. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    the tower fans are pretty silent dude.
  14. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    my little breeding tent,3 and half weeks old
  15. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    no mate that would be mr scarecrow ! i bought a pack on his recomendation gonna grow them next . my last few grows has been breeders boutique. its great ta get a break from the kids now and again bro,recharge the oul batteries. is the mushies still out man? on anothe note started a little...
  16. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    top o the mornin too yiz lads !!!
  17. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    i know ya can do that with pics man,it def is a good idea!!! never get stuff sent too your own address and use fake name...peace
  18. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    no never bought off irish vendor's bro,too close ta home for me,id say if they have your man's key they prob can decrypt them.thats a few now off the darknet after getting caught in ireland.! says here they got a list of cus address on there computers...
  19. nidgy

    The Irish Growers Thread!

    fancy allright,gift of the gab sounds good 8-) gonna bring the kids ta see the fungie nex summer,you ever been bro ?